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bedlington bears

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Everything posted by bedlington bears

  1. bedlington bears has had a boatload of free non-disposable nappies given by galaxy radio. Come and get yours at the door any time. This is a good opportunity to remind you that your first weeks childcare at the bears is totally free.
  2. Yes denzel, thank you for your advice but it's not really as simple as that normal behaviour.
  3. pit a stop to it - ha ha
  4. Dear Auntie bedlington.co.uk, I am worried about my partner. He is obsessed with scalextric cars and paraphernalia. He has a scalextric room with the biggest private track I've ever heard about and about 500 boxed and unused cars on the shelves. That's not counting the cars he uses on the tracks and the 100's of little people in the crowds and grandstands around the track. He's even got little stands and little coke machines and little accidents with little paramedics, little fire engines and stuff. I used to think the problem was contained but now the study has turned into a scalextric workshop and there is no free space to do any real work. My biggest problem is that the dining table has now got scalextric stuff all over it, and quite frankly, I want to dust it. I've even tried inviting his mother over for a meal to see if we could move the stuff but we ended up eating in the kitchen. Quite frequently, scalextric cars appear on the stairs, in the downstairs toilet and in the bedroom. In the utility room, there is spray paint on the washing machine where he's been spraying them. I don't mind the odd obsession, I myself have quite a few handbags - however, is this normal? do any of you have problem partners?
  5. I believe that Swalnalla's real name is Allan Laws. In which case Denzil is a woman called Liz Ned, and Colonel Knowledge is that well known Kyrgyzstani, Egdelwonk Lenoloc.
  6. Not all parents with custody are helped by the C.S.A. It was only set up to claw back benefits so they won't help any parents with custody if that parent is not claiming benefits. When me and my ex divorced he had his own business and I wasn't working but studying for a Phd and living on an educational grant. Even though this was less money than income support (which is supposed to be the breadline) the C.S.A wouldn't help because I wasn't claiming any benefits. The options were a) give up any chance of a future for me and my son, pack in studying and claim benefits; or get on with it. No government I've ever known has been interested in real people and real solutions, they only care about the short term i.e the amount of foresight needed to get voted back into office. I have no idea how that smily got into this post.
  7. So - Denzil's real name is Denis. Must be a bloke then.
  8. Hi Andy, I've posted Scooby's photo and contact details on our window at Bedlington Bears and will ask staff and parents to keep an eye out for him. Hope you get him back soon.
  9. I'm thinking about advertising a free week's childcare at Bedlington Bears Nursery, funded Pre-school, and Out of Schools Club in the Wansbeck publication 'In Touch'. What do you think? Does anybody actually read it. All advice and opinions welcome.
  10. I just KNEW somebody would mention the shoe Joe. They're not actually mine, they come to my children's day nursery. I've only actually got one myself but he's 17 and he's driving me bonkers at the minute because he's just bought a full set of drums. He's at it right now. The thing is, he's never played before, anybody walking past our house will think we're having building work done in the attic!
  11. You're all very lucky in that, unlike me, you haven't got 60 children to buy for. For myself, I'm asking Santa for Tom Waites CDs and the entire collection of Futurama DVDs.
  12. Hi Pencil neck, At Bedlington Bears, we will stick, paste, paint, or colour in with your cat xx Pencil_Neck' date='Nov 19 2005, 02:23 PM' post='146'] I reckon I'll stick with the cat
  13. One week's free childcare at Bedlington Bears Day Nursery when you mention Bedlington.co.uk Register your child with us (minimum 2 sessions) and you will receive your first equivalent sessions free up to one full week. Fees: Babies £15 per session £28 per day Junior bears £14 per session £26 per day Pre-school £13 per session £24 per day Telephone: 01670 820888
  14. Hi there Mr Darn, At Bedlington Bears Day Nursery on Forster Avenue we run an 'Out of Schools Club'. We do fun educational activities and artwork. In warmer weather we go out and do things like kite-flying, when we get some snow this year we'll be out sledging. Next spring/summer we'll be growing organic vegetables in our new garden. We can take your child to school in the morning, and pick them up again after school. After tea we can offer help with homework, or your child may prefer to play board games, X-box games, construction games, or quiet reading (ha! the quiet stuff doesn't happen much). Cost - £2.80 per hour including breakfast, afternoon tea, pick-up and drop-off. Tel: 01670 820888 Wendy at Bedlington Bears
  15. My problem is that as a non-smoker (now 18 months) I find it very difficult to be in an environment where people smoke because it makes me feel ill, and yet at the same time it makes me want a cigarette. The most difficult aspect of stopping smoking is that other people still smoke, a total ban would help thousands of people who have stopped, not start again.
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