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Hi All,


my name is Maggie Lister. I am from New Zealand; the Granddaughter of Dorothy Murray Reston (nee Metcalfe) who was born in Bedlington at end of 1800's.  She was the only living daughter of Robert and Mary Metcalfe, publicans in Bedlington.


I have an address  Turks Head ? from public records at start of 1900's    Does anyone know if this was the address of the pub that my Great Grandfather ran, and if so, does it still exist  in any form now?


Robert and Mary changed vocation some time after that  taking on a grocery shop in Bedlington?  -  also found through public records.


I have very little information about my Grandmother and her forebears.  I would love to put a face to some of the places in our family tree to get a sense of who these people were and where they came from.


Grandmother Dorothy married a New Zealand Naval officer just after the 1st WW and moved to NZ where she lived for the rest of her 99 1/2 years.  She visited England twice in later years but was happy to come home.


Robert and Mary Metcalfe also moved to NZ and stayed.


Would really enjoy hearing from anyone who may have recorded history - such as it is.

Kind regards




Hi Maggie, welcome to the forum. There was most certainly a pub called the Turk's Head in the Market Place at Bedlington. I Think there's a Picture of it on the sixtownships site:  www.sixtownships.org.uk


There's also a thread on this site with all the pubs and clubs in Bedlington


List of Pubs and Clubs - Bedlington District.


Good luck with your search.


Hi Maggie, Welcome and best of luck with your research. http://www.freebmd.org.uk/ is a free website that may help you for old research. Rgd's Ian

Welcome Maggie - Like Bedlingtonian I have used FreeBMD many times and there are no fancy gimmicks with it, if gives you what you ask for. Like all genealogy sites all the Births Marriages and Deaths are not yet recorded (only 263 million at the moment!) but with FreeBMD there are ways of finding out what years have been transcribed to the database - the front page of the site gives a few details on what years will eventually be recorded.


This info may not be correct but using the info in your introduction I did a few quick searches. The service allows you to specify a range of years to search the database with so for ' Dorothy Murray Reston (nee Metcalfe) who was born in Bedlington at end of 1800's.  - I searched between 1836 (start of the records) and 1910 for any Dorothy  Murray Metcalfe - nothing completely matched but lots of Dorothy Metcalfe's came back but nothing for the Bedlington registration district of Morpeth. Nothing possible came back so did a calculated guess, using you info, on Marriages and searching for  Surname Reston - Between 1910 & 1930 in Any District loads of info came back and one particular for 1918 was :-

 Surname           Given Name  Spouse             District            Volume  Page 

Marriages Sep 1918

Reston             George P         Metcalfe          Tynemouth      10b      609

Naturally I have no idea if this is correct and lots of this type of work is often 'guess work' Using the info returned from this search I searched for Metcalfe 1917 to 1918 and this was returned:-

  Marriages Sep 1918

Metcalfe          Dorothy W      Reston             Tynemouth      10b      609


Doesn't fully match your info, different middle christian name, but searching the old records does throw up many differences that have been distorted over many tears.

So although the searching is free if you require copies of the BMD certificates they can be requested within the service for £9.25 each. So if you thought the above marriage records were you relatives you could request a Marriage certificate and that should include additional info on the couple and their fathers. Good luck. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone, thank you all so very much taking the time to write back and giving me much needed leads to follow up on my family tree.  Thank you too for welcoming me to this forum.  If it is OK, I would like to let you know how I get on in the future.  Also, if I can be of any assistance here, down under, please let me know.  Kindest regards, Maggie


The Turks Head is now The Market Tavern in Bedlington


Close but not exactly. The Turks Head was the building next door to what is now the Market Tavern and later became the Terrier Plate Works, Millne department store, the Co-op, various supermarkets (kwik save and another I can't remember). It's now part of Tesco used for storage.

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