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John Fox (foxy)

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John Fox (foxy) last won the day on April 14 2024

John Fox (foxy) had the most liked content!


319 Excellent


About John Fox (foxy)

  • Birthday June 21

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  1. Malcolm and myself will have to declare an interest, we're members of that group.😄
  2. Following a long absence on this site I have just become aware of Derek's passing today, sad news indeed. A true gentleman respected by all who were fortunate enough to have the pleasure of his company.
  3. Happy Birthday Andrew, hope you have a Guddin!
  4. Behind Harewood Drive.
  5. Is he that handsome? 🤔
  6. Not sure why this comment needed to be approved by a mod, maybe @Andy Millne could have a look?
  7. Thank you CL, yes the missus certainly did spoil me yesterday, I was allowed to cook her dinner whilst she watched the football on the telly. I was also spoiled be the daughter earlier in the day,.... she had me laying flagstones in her back garden. Pleased it's only once a year!!😄 Thanks to all for the Birthday wishes.👍
  8. Sad news indeed @Vic Patterson, thoughts are with you and your family.
  9. Aye, I've just got back to being able to access the forum hassle free, thanks to Andy!
  10. C L, It's gone!
  11. Tried it tonight and look what I got !!!!!!!! Thank you @Andy Millne
  12. I usually tried that on a Thursday night after departing the Red Lion about 11.45 pm and sometimes it worked, however Boris stopped all that a few months back so now it's all down to Andy to sort out!
  13. I installed Mcfee Alan and nothing else is a problem, only this website
  14. Can anyone tell me how to overcome my new laptop blocking this forum? Only way I can access the website is by turning off the firewall. All other websites are available with firewall switched on.
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