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I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

Good rant Mr Darn and some very valid points!

I have been called a lot of things on this and the old site,but took it on the chin,after all not everyone's opinion is the same as mine,my opinions have probably upset more people than yours.All I want is for people to think for themselves and not believe all the guff the spin Dr's spout,but I draw the line at threatening people!To the TOE RAG who left the note on your car "You are a COWARDLY B*****D" even if it was meant as a joke you have over stepped the mark,I hope you are really really proud of yourself,now you can !*!@# O** back down the hole from which you emerged :angry: :angry:


Good rant Mr Darn and some very valid points!

I have been called a lot of things on this and the old site,but took it on the chin,after all not everyone's opinion is the same as mine,my opinions have probably upset more people than yours.All I want is for people to think for themselves and not believe all the guff the spin Dr's spout,but I draw the line at threatening people!To the TOE RAG who left the note on your car "You are a COWARDLY B*****D" even if it was meant as a joke you have over stepped the mark,I hope you are really really proud of yourself,now you can !*!@# O** back down the hole from which you emerged :angry: :angry:


I totally agree with you Merlin its gone passed the boundaries when threats are made in that way. We are all entitled to our own opinions but to use threats is nothing more than bullying.


Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum. I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

It shouldn`t take much to work out who put the note on your car and the way you`re talking,it was someone off here..someone you know personally by the sounds of it..surely you could narrow it down!

I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

Yes thats right I miss Bedlington.....sometimes I crave the lovely surroundings and spending time with people who I grew up with.

I dont totally agree that all the naughty words were a bad thing, at the end of the day most people who use the site already know the words and the internet is like a culture melting pot everyone has to take posters as they come....there is the flipside, those that say these words need to think of others before they post and find that middle ground.

Bedlington is well represented by everyone here, all of the personalities that you would find out and about in and around the town are here......you all know who you are and where you fit in, serious, love a laugh or knowlegeable you all fit into one box...........Bedlington

I sometimes dream of home and in all its raw glory Bedlington is one thing......smack bang wallop in one of the most gorgeous parts of the British Isles (if not the most gorgeous!).

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


I don't let anything thats said on an internet forum bother my life so much to be honest, but everyones different. If it's getting to the point where it's affecting your life, take a break.

As for the note on your car, I agree with Cympil - it has to be someone you know because no one else knows who you are or where you live etc.

You could always go to the police.


what did the note say mr darn

what did the note say mr darn

Good question..we need proof that the note actually exsisted..so come on Mr Darn,spill the beans :lol:


I don't think that off topic threads are a threat to the forum either, because thats what it's always been like, both on this forum and the old one.

I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

think you need to get out more! :lol: :lol: :lol: scary notes left on ya car! sure it wasn't a parking ticket!


I think coming on here and accusing a member of this forum for leaving a threat note on your car was the wrong thing to do.

How do you know it was a member of this forum?

Are you just trying to make the forum look worse than it actually is? Because it looks like thats what your trying to do.

Look closer to home if you want to find out who did it, it is a nasty thing to do whoever did do it though, you should give them a clip when you find out who it was.

I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

8.5 of 10 on the rant stakes......do you recall "Talk Radio" ?

8.5 of 10 on the rant stakes......do you recall "Talk Radio" ?

Talk Radio? What do you mean?


the note on the car was left by someone that looks at this forum, of that i have no doubt. The co-incedences are too great to be overlooked, but as i said, i aint worried.

As for the content, it basically said if i kept the big head i had on the site, it would cost me my car.

The cars insured, i dont worry about that, what i do worry about is the mention of my family. Its a forum for gods sake. Not like i'm a government minister that can change things!

Really, i aint worried about the note, but if i do find out who it was, and any of the threats are carried out, they will be sorry. And i promise no police will be involved.

the note on the car was left by someone that looks at this forum, of that i have no doubt. The co-incedences are too great to be overlooked, but as i said, i aint worried.

As for the content, it basically said if i kept the big head i had on the site, it would cost me my car.

The cars insured, i dont worry about that, what i do worry about is the mention of my family. Its a forum for gods sake. Not like i'm a government minister that can change things!

Really, i aint worried about the note, but if i do find out who it was, and any of the threats are carried out, they will be sorry. And i promise no police will be involved.

Just make sure that you don't have any witnesses,cos you'll end up in more bother than the person responsible

the note on the car was left by someone that looks at this forum, of that i have no doubt. The co-incedences are too great to be overlooked, but as i said, i aint worried.

As for the content, it basically said if i kept the big head i had on the site, it would cost me my car.

The cars insured, i dont worry about that, what i do worry about is the mention of my family. Its a forum for gods sake. Not like i'm a government minister that can change things!

Really, i aint worried about the note, but if i do find out who it was, and any of the threats are carried out, they will be sorry. And i promise no police will be involved.

Why haven`t you got the police involved.If someone was threatening my family that would be the first thing i would do..and like i said,if it`s someone off the forum well you should know who it is,how many people off here do you know personally? It can`t be anyone else,nobody else knows you or where you live!

Also,one minute you`re taking this place all seriously,laying down rules and regulations,saying how you feel ashamed of what`s wrote on here etc then all of a sudden you say "It`s just a forum" !

Somethings not right here..

Why haven`t you got the police involved.

Have you ever let the police handle something?

a while back i had trouble with a girls ex-boyfriend. he would constantly be around the house, he scratched my car, and constantly issued threats, several of which the neighbours heard.

i was told unless he actually carried out the threat, there was nothing they could leagally do other than log it. it was up to me to take him to court for an injunction, at my own cost. they did, however, go and have a 'word'.

the next night i was driving with my girlfriend and the kids when he jumped out infront of the car. i stopped, reversed, and tried to turn round to get away. He ran over and kicked the wing mirror off my car. i phoned the police, statements were taken, but he got his sister to say i had tried to run HIM over. I was told if i took it further their was a good chance he'd win too!

The police try, bless them, but their hands are tied in red tape.

As for the 'only a forum' statement, what i mean is this place is a representation of bedlington, not an excuse to threaten people.

Have you ever let the police handle something?

a while back i had trouble with a girls ex-boyfriend. he would constantly be around the house, he scratched my car, and constantly issued threats, several of which the neighbours heard.

i was told unless he actually carried out the threat, there was nothing they could leagally do other than log it. it was up to me to take him to court for an injunction, at my own cost. they did, however, go and have a 'word'.

the next night i was driving with my girlfriend and the kids when he jumped out infront of the car. i stopped, reversed, and tried to turn round to get away. He ran over and kicked the wing mirror off my car. i phoned the police, statements were taken, but he got his sister to say i had tried to run HIM over. I was told if i took it further their was a good chance he'd win too!

The police try, bless them, but their hands are tied in red tape.

As for the 'only a forum' statement, what i mean is this place is a representation of bedlington, not an excuse to threaten people.

That bloke sounds like a right horrible !*!@# Mr Darn... but really, could it not have been him who put the note on your car?

If he's damaged it before and he's jumping out of bushes at you (He sounds crazy) then I wouldn't rule him out to be honest.

I honestly think that whoever it was, you will know them. Anyway, I hope you get it resolved as it cant be nice having stuff like that happening.

That bloke sounds like a right horrible !*!@# Mr Darn... but really, could it not have been him who put the note on your car?

If he's damaged it before and he's jumping out of bushes at you (He sounds crazy) then I wouldn't rule him out to be honest.

I honestly think that whoever it was, you will know them. Anyway, I hope you get it resolved as it cant be nice having stuff like that happening.

Quite possibly could be...although i aint had bother with him in years, and the note quoted stuff from here, so it has to be a member, even if its someone who has never posted.

Never mind tho, Life goes on!

Quite possibly could be...although i aint had bother with him in years, and the note quoted stuff from here, so it has to be a member, even if its someone who has never posted.

Never mind tho, Life goes on!

I would be trying to find out who done it..i like a bit of detective work :D

Quite possibly could be...although i aint had bother with him in years, and the note quoted stuff from here, so it has to be a member, even if its someone who has never posted.

Never mind tho, Life goes on!

You ever find out who it was you had better name and shame them pm's of course,sorted!

I am certainly not going to go off on one, but i will make this point:

i come here to catch up on bedlington and the surrounding areas issues. However, as pointed out many times, i also like the off topic banter, and the creation of chat central in my eyes was a brilliant ploy!

Now, today, i come online (as i always do, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day) to see whats changed. today i see a very good point made in TOTT, something i have heared about today at work: wansbeck is on its way out! I post my inquisitive reply for more info and move on. where i see more has appeared about the proposed power station at cambois: Great! more topical info for me to discuss tommorrow!

Next i would have went into CC for the usual banter, where i could let my hair down and have a little fun.

But, what do i find? Yet another Good topic about the town Way off topic. Not 1 new post about the power station at all!

This is what gets to me about this site, you go to look at a topic you are interested in and all you find is a load of drivel about how unappy people are, or another sexual inuendo, or one member slagging another member off, or one of many other comments that has nothing at all to do with the topic. Most of these 'off topic' posts are also full of bad language.

A while ago i was going to leave the forum alltogether, i was so sick of it, but i thought wait, maybe i can do something about this: so i took action, asked threegee if i could help out, split the bad stuff out and threw it in the chat area for further discussion. (whereas it would just get deleted before, so the issues never resolved)

I cleaned up the posts of swearing, and took a great deal of my time making sure i checked every new post, editing out the bad, but leaving the main point behind for discussion.

The thing is, everytime i did something, a wall appeared a little higher. certain members worked as hard as i did undoing my hard work, others changed their names to try to confuse me, and many others were just looking for the line i had drawn, testing the boundaries.(which i can cope with!)

a few warnings later, all seemed to be going well, people were well on their way to getting their accounts cleared of warnings, and everyone seamed content. Then it got personal.

Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum.

I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye.

Now, back to my main point. Myself and a few others thought i was doing a really good job on the site, the real extent of actual town topics revealed themselves as hardly any posts remained in TOTT, and the chat area, relieved of the outlet for members to swear and abuse each other, started calming down, with a few nice games appearing to keep people coming back. But it seams that is not what you want.

Members of this site seem to be quite content just letting any comment that anyone wants to post stay. Any swearing, howsoever graphic, should be left alone as it is the right of the poster to say what they like, and stuff anyone who visits the site.

So what if their offended by whats put here? after all, who's heard of bedlington anyways? And why cant the board members make the moderators lives a misery?

I forget who mentioned it before, but it was mentioned that they had not seen that much questionable material. I only wish i had cut and pasted most of it, and posted it somewhere else where you could see it. Perhaps you dont see most of it as the four people who can do anything about it are working so hard removing it every day.

I guess i did go off on one after all, but it just annoys me that a site i have made my daily read has an area for topical info that just turns to crap at the turn of a hat, when a place for that has been created for you, and a moderator supplied free of charge to make sure it stays that way, but who has been forced to ask for his name to be removed because of all the static he gets for doing it.

Am i a little too strict? maybe, but i think rules need to be made and those rules need to be stuck to. That way everyone knows where they stand. Yes, i did make mistakes. I have bad moods like everyone else. some of you got on the wrong side of those moods, and appologies were made and the action corrected. Do i take this too seriously? maybe, but this is my home towns website, and i dont want anyone thinking i come from a place full of idiots with no opinions other than how to swear and !*!@# people off.

Its the likes of Pete, Joe, Tokyo and others that i feel sorry for. They use this as a means to keep in touch with their birthplace, and I am ashamed to be a part of it.

Rant Over!

It wasn't me who left the note on your car. But then I'm a ninja, and I'm geet stealthy. And that.

It wasn't me who left the note on your car. But then I'm a ninja, and I'm geet stealthy. And that.

I know that denzel, in fact, due to a recent slip up, i think i may know exactly who it is!

amazing how things come out in the wash eh?

I know that denzel, in fact, due to a recent slip up, i think i may know exactly who it is!

amazing how things come out in the wash eh?

PM me with the answer! Go on,tell is..i`ll keep it secret ;)

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