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Anyone Else Getting Fleeced By Npower?


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I'm paying £70 pound per month for electricity which seems a bit steep to me. Not only that but I got a bill from them the other week saying I owed them £187! After emailing them I got a response basically not answering my question but confirming how much I pay each month. Last week I then get another letter claiming I owe £85 - again, no explanation. Am I the only one pulling my hair out over energy companies or is anyone else in a similar boat?

Oh, and watch out for EDF blokes banging on your door - the one that came to mine (after being told for almost 10 minutes that I wasn’t interested) even tried to get into my house to use the internet!

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I'm paying £70 pound per month for electricity which seems a bit steep to me. Not only that but I got a bill from them the other week saying I owed them £187! After emailing them I got a response basically not answering my question but confirming how much I pay each month. Last week I then get another letter claiming I owe £85 - again, no explanation. Am I the only one pulling my hair out over energy companies or is anyone else in a similar boat?

Oh, and watch out for EDF blokes banging on your door - the one that came to mine (after being told for almost 10 minutes that I wasn’t interested) even tried to get into my house to use the internet!

Bring back nationalisation, we are paying £60 a month.

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I'm paying £70 pound per month for electricity which seems a bit steep to me. Not only that but I got a bill from them the other week saying I owed them £187! After emailing them I got a response basically not answering my question but confirming how much I pay each month. Last week I then get another letter claiming I owe £85 - again, no explanation. Am I the only one pulling my hair out over energy companies or is anyone else in a similar boat?

Oh, and watch out for EDF blokes banging on your door - the one that came to mine (after being told for almost 10 minutes that I wasn’t interested) even tried to get into my house to use the internet!

A few years ago, after 3 1/2 years of not reading my meter, NPower sent a bill out for over £3500! This, I was told had to be paid within 7 days, and after they were told to go **** themselves, I was then told I could pay back over a few years, with a big discount for them not telling me sooner. After checking the bill through I actually found out that their calculations were quite a bit out, and that I actually owed them about £1500, but it took weeks of phonecalls to people from Teeside to eventually find one who could understand basic maths. It's been paid off now, however there have been occasions when they have changed my direct debit without telling me, to try and take out over £1000 at a time, to pay for their miscalculations... leaving my bank account in a bit of a shabby state! I just had to ride it out as it appeared that there was very little that I could do... they have a certain time to tell you how much you've used and therefore how much you owe, and if they don't do it in time, they talk **** to you then knock a bit off your bill, that's about it. You could always check your consumption against Npowers costs to check they've charged you correctly, and then check that on a comparison website to see if you're going to be better off elsewhere

I would advise you to scruitinise your bill to check they've got their facts right. And keep up to date on your bank account until it's paid off! Also, shout at them a bit... it might not help with anything, but it will make you feel a load better!

We've had the EDF folk around, and the Southern Electric lot. Both patronising as hell, telling me that I'm a "clever lass" for knowing how to work out how they charge you for consumption. Both were told to **** off. I really want to change, but I wasn't giving either of them the commission.

I'm currently in the process of trying out the price comparison websites for a new supplier, however, it's difficult to get the figures from my meters from Npower... quel surprise. So as it stands I don't really want to get tied down to a new contract until I know what's best for us... It's a nightmare!

We tried to change phone providers to Talk Talk yesterday also, which was just as bad, managing to stay loyal to them for about half an hour before cancelling... it's a long story though...

Good luck with it all! You're going to need it!

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Npower must be the worst company on this planet..i hate them with a passion. They are ripping folk off left right and centre. All the people that work for this company all have the same attitude for some reason, they think they are above everyone else and lack brains. They try and fob you off with over-winded garbage in reply to emails..their replies to any emails/phone calls /letters spout crap. Your complaints through emails/phone calls/ letters are never even listened to correctly..for example..`Can you tell me why i can`t view my online bills which i signed up for in January 2008?)..Reply..`Thankyou for your email..your password is `*****


I`ve had countless problems with them, at this moment in time i`m still not sorted. I`ve been getting crap off them since last November, it came to a head a couple of weeks ago when i finally decided enough was enough..i contacted Dennis Murphy MP who couldn`t believe what had been happening..believe me, there is so much crap been going on for a year..which involves them robbing my bank account, refusing to send me bills but sending letters with the amount i owe them? Charging me twice over for electric i`d already paid for..the list goes on and on..

Now, i`m at the point i`ve got the Head Office in London`s personal mobile number, i`ve had a free meal at an Indian Restaurant, a promise of my last years bills wiped off and a `goodwill gesture` which has yet to be finalised...

All thanks to Dennis Murphey..it`s amazing when you`ve got to get MP`s involved..but it seems to have done the trick? Maybe not though, because i`m still waiting on `Pamela` ringing me 4 days ago!!

Oh, and while i`m on the subject, check the `Npower workers Group` on Facebook, one of their workers `Stefan Wilkes` has said `iv come along way from sorting out the scum with 12 kids on PP meters lol`post-818-1225494869_thumb.jpg

Funny isn`t he? Half the folk are on the meters because of Npower ripping them off in the first place...

They might rip poor defenceless old folk off and people that give up on the crap they spout but i`m not one of them..they`re nowt but a bunch of theiving b******s, and they can go !*!@# thereselves cos i`m not letting them off with it that`s for sure. :angry:

`Edited by Cympil :D

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Now, i`m at the point i`ve got the Head Office in London`s personal mobile number, i`ve had a free meal at an Indian Restaurant, a promise of my last years bills wiped off and a `goodwill gesture` which has yet to be finalised...

Can I have his number too?!

Mr Murphy has sorted out things for me in the past too... much as I may despise the local government, I reckon he's a good bloke

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Can I have his number too?!

Mr Murphy has sorted out things for me in the past too... much as I may despise the local government, I reckon he's a good bloke

I`ll be putting their number on the net very soon if they don`t hurry up :lol:

I agree about Dennis Murphy, if it wasn`t for him i`d still be no further forward, they certainly listened once he had rang them.

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I`ll be putting their number on the net very soon if they don`t hurry up :lol:

I agree about Dennis Murphy, if it wasn`t for him i`d still be no further forward, they certainly listened once he had rang them.

Just read your other post there, how can companies get away with this? I've finally managed to switch to British Gas (Out of the frying pan and into the fire!?), just couldn’t cope with Npower any longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I work for them lol, give them a ring and speak to customer services department

I`ve rang them countless times over the last year, no help what-so-ever. Hence why Dennis Murphy is involved.

I`ve now been told there are investigations going on, hopefully things will get sorted soon.

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Well i hope Npower is paying for the parties, the amount of money they`ve scammed off folk...what`s your boss like, does he treat you well?

All ok, I am suprised this has not been sorted via telephone, i am with the company for my gas and electric and never had no problems what so ever

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  • 3 weeks later...
popped into work the other day and they were having a prize draw for us staff

1st prize was a wii with wii fit, games and wireless set

2nd prize an xbox 360 elite with games

3rd prize lcd tv

and more

oh how we love n power :D

So poor old Norman and Hettie are sat in their bungalow, unable to turn their heating on due to spiralling costs, whilst the employees of Npower receive expensive electronic gadgets like it's going out of fashion.

I hope Denis Murpy gets wind of this. :angry:

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So poor old Norman and Hettie are sat in their bungalow, unable to turn their heating on due to spiralling costs, whilst the employees of Npower receive expensive electronic gadgets like it's going out of fashion.

I hope Denis Murpy gets wind of this. :angry:

It is seen as a bonus to the staff members and there are only certain circumstances where gas and or electric can be switched off, i work for them but doesnt mean i believe in everything that they do

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popped into work the other day and they were having a prize draw for us staff

1st prize was a wii with wii fit, games and wireless set

2nd prize an xbox 360 elite with games

3rd prize lcd tv

and more

oh how we love n power :D

  • Wii fit: £70
  • Nintendo Wii: £180
  • Xbox Elite (2 games) £223
  • LCD TV (3rd Price so assuming cheaper than above) say £199 for a 19"

Npowers Profits for last year: £544000000 (thats £544M)

Total Cost of Prize Draw for Us Staff: £672 - They certainly like making money but dont seem to like giving it away do they?

"Ofgem has named and shamed npower over its failure to find ways to help customers who are in need with their bills. It cut off 69 homes a week during the first nine months of last year - a 418 per cent rise in two years."

"Charities-such as Help the Aged have warned older people might die for fear of turning on their heating this winter."

A spokesman for consumer group Energywatch, Adam Scorer, said: "Npower has the worst record when it comes to helping consumers in debt and the worst record on disconnections."

"Oh, how we love n power"

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hey i get my paycheck at the end of every month and my gas and electric supply is fine, they are good to work for and ive never had no problems what so ever with them personally and i only speak as i find

could be worse i could work for pc world now theres a company that treats its customers bad!

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Can someone explain something :D

When you have a pre-payment meter in, is it read like a normal meter? If so, why is it read?

Also, if you are paying debt off a pre-payment meter, say at £3 a week, can the electricity supplier change that weekly payment to £10 a week without notice?

Also, does the above need an engineer to visit your home or can it be done remotely?

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Can someone explain something :D

When you have a pre-payment meter in, is it read like a normal meter? If so, why is it read?

Also, if you are paying debt off a pre-payment meter, say at £3 a week, can the electricity supplier change that weekly payment to £10 a week without notice?

Also, does the above need an engineer to visit your home or can it be done remotely?

Hi i think i can help this is how i believe these work, im not in prepay or debt recovery so please dont quote me for 100% accuracy -

Prepayment meters are read to enable providers to send out a statement to the customer this should not happen very often.

Debts cant be changed unless customer is notified.

Engineers must visit as this can not be controlled any other way

Prepayment meters also have standing charges on them so therefore work out slightly higher priced

Hope this has helped you.

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Hi i think i can help this is how i believe these work, im not in prepay or debt recovery so please dont quote me for 100% accuracy -

Prepayment meters are read to enable providers to send out a statement to the customer this should not happen very often.

Debts cant be changed unless customer is notified.

Engineers must visit as this can not be controlled any other way

Prepayment meters also have standing charges on them so therefore work out slightly higher priced

Hope this has helped you.

Thanks, if what you`re saying is correct, it means i had an engineer at my home underfalse pretences of reading my meter..but it turns out he actually added debt to it then changed the weekly payment amount to £10..I knew at the time he was taking a long time just reading my meter, i knew he was up to no good.

Solicitors next then.

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