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those big trees on the corner have always crow/rooks nesting in them! or they did?

Bird on a crossed wire.

don't know you put the picture on? :blink:

There`s been some wires crossed somewhere along the line :lol:

Lets start again..Who can guess whereabouts my pic is from? :D


There`s been some wires crossed somewhere along the line :lol:

Lets start again..Who can guess whereabouts my pic is from? :D

Bedlington! :lol:


Could it be the gable end of the funeral place at the Station ? ;) taken from the future car park for the never in 100 years rail link to the outer climes of the region well the toon if nothing else or at least Ashington


hows this one?


you might want to remove the address first? front street west! :lol:


Dr Mackelhattons old house next to the Salvation Army yesssssssssssssss

OK I,m wrong it is however I think the Red Lion :P well it looked like it at 6am this morning on my way to work :rolleyes:


I know.

Neddy! laugh.gif

(or should that be Rosebud?)


Atlee park toilets?

Attlee pulleese! As in Clement Avenue.

Can't have people knocking double letters out of Bedlington place names! rolleyes.gif

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