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Hello all Bedlington Forum Members;

I don't post at all these days, but often visit the site to keep connected to Bedlington since returning to Canada last year. I just wanted to let you all know that one of your well-respected members, Joe Rooney is not at all well these past few months. He hails from Bedlington, as many of you will know, but has moved to Canada many years ago and more recently made his home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

His wife, Linda, contacted me to let me know of his condition in hospital. Joe, being an ex-Bedlingtonian, came to see my husband, Allan and me in Canada and they spent time together reminising about dear old Bedlington. When Allan and I moved back to England when Allan got sick and wanted to be with his family and return to his dear Bedlington, the two kept up their communications again via this Forum. And as you may know, it was Joe who posted the lovely tribute to Allan when he passed away Sept. 12, 2009. As Allan's wife, I wanted to keep you all posted on our dear friend Joe, whom I know many of you respect and enjoy his postings. P.S. You will remember my husband Allan more as Sw@lnalla...

Please keep Joe in your thoughts and although he may not be able to be active on the Forum, he will take some comfort in knowing his friends from Bedlington wish him well. Thank you all. (Maria aka Sissinghurst)

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Thanks for taking time to let everyone know Maria. I had noted he'd been quiet of late - he's always got something valuable to contribute. Please let him know that everyone here sends their best wishes.


Sad to hear Joe`s not too well, give him our best wishes and let him know we are thinking of him :)


Sorry to hear that Joe is not well in hospital. I'm sure he's in the best hands and I hope he's feeling better soon.


Get well soon Joe i know you are a tough bedlingtonian so you will be fine.........

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