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Does anyone out there recollect a small cave set into the cliff side on the left side about halfway to three quarters of the way down the path in the hapenny woods? I remember crawling inside about 3 or 4 body lengths as a child and being too afraid to squeeze any further, there may possibly be some artifacts waiting to be found in and around the area, also is that old shack/ caravan still there where the Muldoons used to live?


Does anyone out there recollect a small cave set into the cliff side on the left side about halfway to three quarters of the way down the path in the hapenny woods? I remember crawling inside about 3 or 4 body lengths as a child and being too afraid to squeeze any further, there may possibly be some artifacts waiting to be found in and around the area, also is that old shack/ caravan still there where the Muldoons used to live?

i remember the caves at the bottom of the woodside gardens (approx half way through the woods) there's was three of them, one had a big entrance but wasn't very deep. the second one was a sheer drop and the best one was the one with the small entrance which opened out in two big caverns! sadly the council has bricked them up! spoiling little adventurers fun! :(


I don't remember any caves! Can you still see the entrances?

if you want to climb through brambles! there bricked up though!

there at the back of woodside gardens shown on the map


if you want to climb through brambles! there bricked up though!

there at the back of woodside gardens shown on the map

thanks for the info lads, there may still be artifacts to be found around the entrances with a small pick and rake, remember the bloke who just found all that treasure in the farmers feild in yorkshire!!!


thanks for the info lads, there may still be artifacts to be found around the entrances with a small pick and rake, remember the bloke who just found all that treasure in the farmers feild in yorkshire!!!

i remember the caves too. i used to go there regularly with all the dorty lasses that i would pick up at the club..wey aye.. meet up for a date ..doon the hapenys.a nice romantic walk to soften them up and give the impression that i was a nice lad...and then..oh look..some caves..lets explore them...before they knew it it was heavy petting and wooooptido !!!...i am afraid to tell ya thay the only treasure youll find up there is some rotten old jonnies and some muters dandylion bottles....thanks for bringing back the memories.

  • 4 years later...

Aam a bit late o' catching up on this one,[it's noo 2014!]

Just ti put yi kind folks reet,the smaal cave yi were on aboot had a Stone -Age burial cist inside it,and it was found in the early 1950's by one of my school-friends.[from the Whitley Memorial school].

The experts came from aal owa,and they took thi bones ti thi Hancock museum.

There was also a similar burial cist owa the twenty  acres field at Millfield,and them bones were displayed in the wall ootside the Hancock museum for donkeys years....dinna knaa if tha still there noo.


I believe one burial cist ended up at the British Museum and then no record could be found.

For us in Bedlington it would be of huge importance but at the British Museum just one of thousands.


Aye Maggie,the Gospels spring to mind......

Owt we hev is aalwis tekkin' awa' from us.......!

Queer hoo tha was nea records of the find....wat museum wudn't have a records dept?!


There was a tiny cave just below Dene View. Me and Jim Hunter went in...separately... cos it was small. It was really claustrophic. It was more like a Foxes den than anything else.

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