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Hi Eggy!

Great montage of the Wallaw/E.T.C !!

Can anybody mind of Johhny Citrone appearing there at the Domino,in the days not long after it opened?

I think I telt me story aboot him on another thread,but I just found an excellent black and white clip of him on Blue Peter ,[on U-Tube], blowing a hot water bottle up,only he only blew it up so far and stopped,for safety.[it WAS a kid's show!]

His stage act finale was blowing the hot water bottle up till it bursted with a loud explosion!

Nooadays,wi H&S,he wadn't be allowed on a kids show,wi an act like that!!....[not ti mention aal the poses he went through...displaying his physique!![He WAS Mr Great Britain at the time,for body-building]

  • Like 1

Me and me Wife went ti see Los Zafiros,[a Mexican trio wi aal the get-up and wide-brimmed bonny hats!]

They waaked aroond the audience haadin' tha guitars high up,as them lot dae,when tha daeing clubs etc......

....wor lass panicked when they headed for wor tyeble,cos the leets follaad thim,and wor lass hates any kind of attention like that,but me being a fan of theirs,and heving tha L.P.'s ....[aye L.P.s-NOT ALBUMS.....!!!],AAA

was chuffed ti hell,cos apart from seeing these guys,[or any other groups like them],on thi telly,aa was nivvor gaana get a betta chance ti see hoo they played the riffs and Rasquaado's on their guitars....as a did frae three feet away,that neet!

It was brilliant,cos the three of them stood aroond wor tyeble for a canny while,ye'd think a had paid them ti dae it,but a think it was cos they got response from me,being a guitarist,and requesting tracks from their

L.P...[Vinyl!!].....aa wud be the ownly porson in the haal who wud knaa wat they were playing,and who was stone cold sober,that neet!![ me being an absoloute tee-totaller!]

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

Can anybody mind of Johhny Citrone appearing there at the Domino,in the days not long after it opened?

I think I telt me story aboot him on another thread,but I just found an excellent black and white clip of him on Blue Peter ,[on U-Tube], blowing a hot water bottle up,only he only blew it up so far and stopped,for safety.[it WAS a kid's show!]

His stage act finale was blowing the hot water bottle up till it bursted with a loud explosion!

Nooadays,wi H&S,he wadn't be allowed on a kids show,wi an act like that!!....[not ti mention aal the poses he went through...displaying his physique!![He WAS Mr Great Britain at the time,for body-building]

HPW - a Malcolm Tait (member of the Facebook groups) posted some photos he had taken of the turns he had seen at the the Domino. He posted them without naming the acts inviting members to try and remember who they were. One was of Johnny Citrone = Mr Universe = 'Short' category winner - John Citrone was 5'3" and won the 'Short' class.

Johnny Citrone.jpg

Edited by Eggy1948
  • 2 years later...

Many great nights spent at lucifers - my sister and I both met our husbands there - my sister married Malcolm Wakenshaw (Mack) and I married Dave Adcock- Dave and his brother Derek were the DJ’s there for many years - anyone out there remember them ?


Heh heh! Wat a blast from the past!..Maureen,welcome to the forum!

Aa can vividly remember only one DJ,and this was when the Domino first opened,and we had never seen owt like this before.[  a CASINO...CABARET...at thi Station!!!...it soonded ludicrous...the very idea of Roulette...it was ownly on James Bond ,or The Saint,or otha yankee movies where we saw that sort o carry-on!!...not thi  Station!]

The desk slid oot onto the stage from the right hand side,motorised,on wheels hidden by the plinth,and the DJ was sitting at the desk getting a free ride on and off the stage...lazy bugga!!

He had a  mop of black hair...[Beatles style!],wi a straight cut fringe,[ Alan Freeman-"Pick of the Pops" style!]...wore black glasses...[Roy Orbison style!]...and brought  every word oot,in a low throaty growl...."...and this next one is...."...

What used to strike me was how he never ever looked anywhere but the floor in front of him...like a statue sitting growling about the next disc he was ganna play.....a bit like when aa was a Lead guitarist,and aa used ti stand motionless,but just looking aroond the place as aa was playin'.

Wor Singer,Geordie,used ti use me as a stooge,and tell thi audience me name was "Static Wilma".. and in the actual situations,at the reet time of neet,it used ti draw a laugh...not forgetting in them days,the clubs were packed oot solid wi 90% Miners..[of which aa was one mesel]..and he used ti say,"Wilma's been shouting at his Pit Pony aal day,so ye  might gather that he's voice is a little HOARSE!"

ME Wife and Me went ti see The Ivy League,Johnny Citrone,Los Zafiros, Dave Dee ,Dozy,Mick,and Tich,amang a lot that a canna mind of noo,but the last one was a mate of mine,who was a local lad from Blyth,and who went ti London ti try for a break,and got one with his new GROUP!![NOT BANDS!]...HEH HEH!

His group was caaled "Toby Twirl",and his name was/is Davy Holland..."Holly".

He came straight ti wor table for a quick natter,then had ti gaan ti start he's set.[cos a hadn't seen him since he went ti London

He opened with "Up Up and Away"...not kidding ...but the best version I have ever heard..powerful and sweet as a nut!

When he was just a young lad,we groups aal used ti meet up at the "Record Bar",in Bowes Street,Blyth,and another coffee bar what a canna remember thi name of noo,and when the Stones were playin,on the juke box,Holly had Jagger off ti a "T"...both his mannerisms and his vocals...amazing!

They tell me Davy runs a pub in Blyth,and a wud luv ti hook up wi him again,after 50-odd yeors!!

Toby Twirl made the top ten wi tha first record,then a never heard any more of them..partly cos a had started a family and was totally committed to them,I only went ti the Domino ti see thi Artistes,a didn't and never have ,drunk alcohol,so a didn't gaan oot for a pint "wi thi lads"..a went oot wi me family...and we cudn't afford ti gaa gallivantin wi a young Son,on £12 a week..afore off-tyeks!heh heh!

Alan,thanks for the notifications,please keep them coming,waa gaan throo a really bad patch here,so a canna catch up immediately, but a will eventually!

Me brains gettin rusty,so a canna get the Artistes in the pics apart from Johnny,but a hae a few suggestions in mind,but not certain,can ye put me mind at rest please!

Cheers!Bill .


Wudda be reet in thinkin' Arnie Buller might have been the booncer at the Domino in the early years,cos he was at the Clayton Baalroom,a powerful lad!..[amateur wrestler a think..]

One neet at the Clayton,two yobs were mekkin' a nuisance of thas'ells,wi my Lass,and me marra's Lasses,at their tyeble,when we were onstage playing the Dance neet,and a watched for aboot ten minutes,and cudn't stand it nae langer,they were shouting and swearing bad language up at us on stage,then pestering the lasses.

After we finished the number we were playin',a put me guitar doon ,jumped off the stage and put me arms aroond both of their necks,and started ti squeeze the life oot of them.

They were gaan white in the face as a throttled them,when a hand touched me shoulder..and a quiet voice said in me ear.."Now let's be sensible about this ,mate.."

It was the bouncer,Arnie Buller,not very tall but four feet across he's shoulders!!

A let the yobs gaan and Arnie grabbed each one by the front scruff of their necks,literally lifted them up off the ground and carted them to the door,threw them oot on the steps ootside,apologised to all of us group lads and wor Lasses,and said just carry on playin',it won't happen again...and mind it never happened again after that,Arnie was there ti keep thi peace...and every bugga knew him!!

Noo, a hae ti say,aav nivvor drunk,aav nivvor been in trouble,nivvor had a fight in me life,aalwis a quiet kid,but these buggaas just went owa far,and a saw red!!

Aye,as we say....happy days eh?!!

11 hours ago, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

Wudda be reet in thinkin' Arnie Buller might have been the booncer at the Domino in the early years,cos he was at the Clayton Baalroom,a powerful lad!..[amateur wrestler a think..]


That's the name, and width, I remember HPW - Buller and I believe he did wrestle, fortunately not with me :)

12 hours ago, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

Aa can vividly remember only one DJ,and this was when the Domino first opened,and we had never seen owt like this before.

@Maureen - I never went when it was Lucifers. Back in 1968 (or was it 1967 ?) when it first opened the DJ was John Shelley.

@HIGH PIT WILMA - John Shelley - Then & Now

John Shelley x 2.jpg

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

ME Wife and Me went ti see The Ivy League,Johnny Citrone,Los Zafiros, Dave Dee ,Dozy,Mick,and Tich,amang a lot that a canna mind of noo,but the last one was a mate of mine,who was a local lad from Blyth,and who went ti London ti try for a break,and got one with his new GROUP!![NOT BANDS!]...HEH HEH!


I was there on the nights those bands were on. Our group of lads were there four or five nights a week as we used to get free passes from the guy/manager that ran the place. Before it opened we would call into the building on a Sunday afternoon, after having been to the Station Club - 12:00 till 14:00 for a few pints on our way down to the Welfare Park for a game of footie among the lads, and chat with the manager to see when it would be the opening night. It was mainly Bob Pattison & Alan Maguire that chatted up the manager and other staff and were given the free passes. As they all became friends there were free passes for many months, especially for through the week.

My main memory of  Dave Dee ,Dozy,Mick,and Tich was that I was mistaken, by young ladies who had had a load to drink, as Dozy and they leapt on me, knocking me to the floor and ravaged me until some dragged them off and said - not Dozy, it's Eggy:)        

Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)
  • Like 2

Thanks Alan..a should be ashamed for not recognising a hero of mine,to this day..Joe Brown,mind,a knew Lulu..instantly..she was the only one a got ,a thought The Flowerpot Men were Dave dee,Eggy,Mick and Tich..!

A saw on the poster,the three black lasses,called Margo and the Marvelettes...?..would it not have been them?

Maureen,I never went to Lucy's either cos aam a teetotaller,and Jon Shelley it was!! [with prompting,I can mind of his name noo,and if ye study the pic closely,a think ye'll see his Roy Orbison black glasses on the decks in front of him,he must have been offstage,getting ready ti go on,when he hasn't had them on!..Ask him if I am right aboot the growl,or if it was his marra...it definately was the one with the black specs though..and aa was spot-on about the hair!

Pleased to see he plays a Tele,what sort of music does he play...I play a Strat,and three Burns guitars,the Marvin,Black Bison,and the Apache..all beautiful well-made guitars.

Give him my regards please. I never met him but remember him,so he must have made a gud impression!

Cheera Alan and Maureen


Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, HIGH PIT WILMA said:

A saw on the poster,the three black lasses,called Margo and the Marvelettes...?..would it not have been them?


Bill - Margo and the Marvettes did appear at the Domino in 1968 and that name also popped into my head but when I Googled them I got this image :- 

Margo and the Marvettes.jpg

It's definitley wa age mixing wa heeds up Bill;)

Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

Heh heh!...Aye Alan,BUT!,on thi poster,it's just thi name,so we wud naturally,wi wor brilliant sense of deduction,assume that if there was a female lead singer,then the backing vocals must be female as weel....until we get a pic of them ,then that rules them oot!

Noo...hoo else cud wi think of....?

ER!..Al, a think a might be a bit mair glaaky than a forst thowt!..a sed THREE Black lasses....when aav studied thi pic a bit closer,[bad image mind]..a think the left hand side one is a lightly-bearded fella!...he probably played the twin Bonga's that's on stage,if they were on that Programme listing...just wildly guessing noo!

Also another one to Maureen...aav just realised,it's not his specs on thi deck,it's the cross-faders...a shudda seen that thi first time a looked at thi pic..aav got me own home studio wi a six,and a twelve channel desks,so a shudda knaan...aad age,like Alan sed!!

....and Alan,ye musta bin a helluva gud-lukkin' dude fo thi lasses ti mob yi!!

Heh heh...happy memories.

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