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Austin got a good one on me once. I went into the Terrier and he was sitting there with a bottle of broon dog in front of him. He had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

I said "What's the matter Austin."

He said "I've just been to the doctors and he's put me on tablets for the rest of my life."

"What's wrong with that?" I said

"He's only given me one."

Hook, line and sinkered.

But he was a darn good accordian player - I wonder what became of that?

Posted (edited)

Austin got a good one on me once. I went into the Terrier and he was sitting there with a bottle of broon dog in front of him. He had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

I said "What's the matter Austin."

He said "I've just been to the doctors and he's put me on tablets for the rest of my life."

"What's wrong with that?" I said

"He's only given me one."

Hook, line and sinkered.

But he was a darn good accordian player - I wonder what became of that?

He was in the Percy one night and Austen was stood with with holes in his boots, someone said he might be able to get a pair from work for him, what size do you take, Austen said " Cheers, owt between a 6 and a 10 will dee ". Him, Scoyt, Dicky and the Duchess made a helluva team. Edited by keith

Just watched The Bygone Belingtonshire DVD tonight, Great DVD :thumbsup: . Keep up the good work hope to see more DVD's about Bedlington and the Shire as well as Video's on Youtube, Money well spent.


Fantastic Memories John,

Some of the members here will not recognise the young lass coming out of the shop at the end but maybe knew her later on when she was Stewardess at the Market Place Club (Vic, Pete ) ?

I recognise her, it's Sheila Short, i used to work for her and Tommy.

Posted (edited)

Did you see wednesday The Chase

The beast got beat and £60,000 went to the one person whi got through the final chase.

The beast was asked, "What is the Lone Rangers Horse Called" he answered "Tonto"

What a plonka.

Edited by johndawsonjune1955

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