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he won't tell! Malcolm's a big meanie!


Hang on, it's a statue of Keith Lockey! I'm right, Malcolm?


Will I need to do me hair for the TV cameras, Malcolm?


I have asked wor joanne to gan up and see what all the fuss is about..if its gonna be on telly I can pick up tyne tees with my freeview..will she have to do her hair too ?..lol


Sorry, Malcolm, I'll have to let the lads and lasses know what the unveiling is.


Her stage name is Mystique Delight but her real name is Doris Spoggatt and she is a cleaner at the Clayton Arms.

She will be unveiling herself at the Market Place club - actually the unveiling is waving her dusters about to give them an air.

She does private performances but she is booked up at my place until 2014...I've got a lot of cleaning to do.


jaysus !! she`s a fine thing that cleaner and I certainly wouldn't kick her out the bed for farting ..lol

any hows..back to the grand unveiling...its getting some build up..it wasn't long ago there was this massive long build up to the big bedlington song...and we know how that ended up..pmsl..lol


It's not your 'coming out' day is it Malcolm!!!

The day you unveil your feminine side as Robina Malcolms, brown hair, hazel eyes, likes long walks along the beach and listening to Neil Sedaka. Seeks likewise spirit to share evenings in / out, non-smoker, own car must be W.E.D. Requires help with make-up and must have full knowledge of applying false eyelashes and lip-gloss.

Believe me you are doing the right thing, Robina. keeping it locked inside can only damage your chi. Ask Wonky about his mate. He hid it away for so long and the poor sausage suffered all that time. Unleash the vixen in you; take control of you inner desires; don't be afraid of watching wrestling on the telly or popping down to the gym to pump iron - though not in your six-inch stilletos. I applaud your decision Robina...Malcolm, just make sure you shave your legs on the day.

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Will Pete be there. :icecream:

lol..don't get me started on jerry the racist again,theres been murder over it..another story for another day..laughing at your comment makes me really wonder whats really going on..and if I were you keith I`d stay away from the small adds..it will only get you into bother and end in tears..lol

It's not your 'coming out' day is it Malcolm!!!

The day you unveil your feminine side as Robina Malcolms, brown hair, hazel eyes, likes long walks along the beach and listening to Neil Sedaka. Seeks likewise spirit to share evenings in / out, non-smoker, own car must be W.E.D. Requires help with make-up and must have full knowledge of applying false eyelashes and lip-gloss.

Believe me you are doing the right thing, Robina. keeping it locked inside can only damage your chi. Ask Wonky about his mate. He hid it away for so long and the poor sausage suffered all that time. Unleash the vixen in you; take control of you inner desires; don't be afraid of watching wrestling on the telly or popping down to the gym to pump iron - though not in your six-inch stilletos. I applaud your decision Robina...Malcolm, just make sure you shave your legs on the day.

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