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Thanks! Half way to a hundred, Maggie, it's my 50th!


Ok foxy but I do not always look at the profile pages.

Back of the class is fine by me.

Lots more can be achieved.

What are you saying about yourself foxy.

Obviously 'hard working'

What do you say mercuryg ?


'Mercury Rising', Happy Birthday young-un.


A bit late of finding oot,but hope ye have had a very happy birthday,Merc!

Ya still a skittering yung ched wi a snotty nose,yit,man youngin!

Aam a teetotaller,but if a was a drinker,a wudd've bowt ye a pint forst time a seen ye,ti celebrate!




Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone, much appreciated! For anyone passing by, I'm having a little bash in the back room of teh Monkey, this Sunday 1pm on, all welcome.


If anyone fancies a celebratory pint I'll be in the back room at the Monkey, 1pm on today....just look for the grey haired geezer with specs.


Maggie, thank you very much for dropping in to see me yesterday, I now realise how ignorant I was in not inviting you and your husband to stay for a drink! I shall make up for it in future. Also, thanks for the CD and for the extremely timely present - a pencil sharpener! Spot on for a fanatic! Great to meet you, and hope to again before long.


Thanks Maggie, I was quite honoured as the room was pretty much full later on, you never know how many genuine friends you have until you offer them food!!!!

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