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On 2018-02-07 at 18:37, pilgrim said:

... and 13 yrs wi a certain regiment and then many yrs doing other things might help with my survival.

 ... and I was once a girl guide, so I'm not worried either


I have a small dog, will that do? 

Posted (edited)

very Pratchett - small dogs or was that a typo??and what would we do without Gaspode?? --am  thinking of naming next hound that -- but where would you find such  flea-bitten bundle of mange ??? ooooo I know --parliament.



now having very disturbing thoughts about Canny Lass as a Guide - no not in that way -- but in taking you across the road even if ya didn't want to be on the other side lol

Edited by pilgrim
Posted (edited)
On 2/10/2018 at 18:38, Steve Turnbull said:

No typo! Small dog! (Why is it that way around? The original isn’t!)


Couldn't prove it Steve, but if you take a copy or check the original, your photo is H34" x W25.5" so the system might have turned it 90 degrees to fit. Made him back into a small dog = H6.0 x W4.5 

However first attempt even though I had downloaded the large image; shrunk it to 6x4.5, saved it the uploaded the new file, using 'png' format this system created the file portrait but back to 34 x 25.5.

Saved the downloaded file  in 'jpg' format - deleted, via edit, the uploaded png file and selected the jpg file for uploading - this time file size has still altered but only to 7" x 5" (approx). 





Edited by Eggy1948
  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎07‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 08:32, mercuryg said:

Funny you should say this! DNA examination of the oldest complete skeleton found in the UK - believed to be 10,000 years old - reveals that 'Cheddar Man' was black skinned. 



nuff said .. not only were the British (ahem) no younger than the ice ages but then the ones that are sooooo 'British' today are even newer newcomers  - them damn foreigners get everywhere!!! (younger than Stonehenge am I -- I think there's a song there...) so when does an indigenous population become a separate entity?? how long does that take? and what defines it? I cant see anything in Britain that is younger than Victorian values which  is the perceived profile. so we have it now -- the British -- new lads on the block and making up their past for credibility?? off ya pedestal and read Tim Chickens speech and think of how 'new' and mixed we are -- and if ya doubt that read the old testament and consider the 'race memories' in that. (the transition from hunter gatherer to farmer etc)  

On 06/02/2018 at 18:29, Steve Turnbull said:

Oh and 3G, those ‘sleeper activists’. This isn’t a TV show. 

You placed single quotes around the words sleeper and activist.  Please point out where I ever used either of those words, or apologise for the misquote.

That's not how I see the evil of Islam.  How I see Islam is in the terms radical Islamists mockingly tell us to see.  They mock because they can see our weakness, and realise - as many in the West do -  that our so-called liberalism makes many of us blind to their strategy.  They also rejoice in the fact that in current times those liberal values mitigate against basic common sense.  Read the Quran, and don't for one second believe that it is equivalent to the Christian Bible in its current relevance.  If you've any doubts listen to what reformed Muslims have to say.

Which TV show do you suppose I imagine?

  • Like 2
On 11/02/2018 at 21:57, Eggy1948 said:

Too technical for me - just checked and the upload photo is back to 34 x 25.5 - I'll ask the wife, or perhaps 3g can deviate from the original topic and explain this :)

My excuse is that I didn't write the software, but Andy might have had a hand in the authorship. My excuse is that IF I'd been capable of writing it, then I most certainly wouldn't have written it in PHP!  [private joke there]  ;)

  • Thanks 1
9 hours ago, threegee said:

You placed single quotes around the words sleeper and activist.  Please point out where I ever used either of those words, or apologise for the misquote.


Apologies, you wrote 'sleeper jihadists'. I'm not sure that's any better, but if you prefer it, good for you.

I like this bit: "That's not how I see the evil of Islam." No, it's not, is it? Islam is not evil; some people are evil. Some Christians are evil, some atheists are evil, some of every race, creed, religion, however you want to pigeonhole people, are evil. In every single case where evil is perpetrated, it's down the the person involved. To blame religion is a convenient get-out clause, and one that really doesn't wash. At least, however, you nail your flag to the mast, and admit that you think Islam evil.

I have read bits of the Quran, though not all, and it's just another religious script. What I don't take kindly to is such as this: "don't for one second believe that it is equivalent to the Christian Bible in its current relevance". I don't need you to tell me what to believe (heaven forbid anyone needs you to tell them what to believe); you're no advert for sensible thinking, for a start. I also question why you feel the need to advise me as such; are you worried that I might find that, in fact, it IS equivalent to the Christian bible etc? Seriously, there's a high horse under you; if you're going to make points that people are happy to take on board, you need to get off it.

As for the TV show; it would be a fantasy one, in which the UK will be an Islamic state in a few years. Probably called' The Daily Mail'.


11 hours ago, threegee said:

My excuse is that I didn't write the software, but Andy might have had a hand in the authorship. My excuse is that IF I'd been capable of writing it, then I most certainly wouldn't have written it in PHP!  [private joke there]  ;)

Me not Hyper either - but it might just be embedded in me  :o

On 22/02/2018 at 10:12, mercuryg said:

Apologies, you wrote 'sleeper jihadists'. I'm not sure that's any better, but if you prefer it, good for you.

I like this bit: "That's not how I see the evil of Islam." No, it's not, is it? Islam is not evil; some people are evil. Some Christians are evil, some atheists are evil, some of every race, creed, religion, however you want to pigeonhole people, are evil. In every single case where evil is perpetrated, it's down the the person involved. To blame religion is a convenient get-out clause, and one that really doesn't wash. At least, however, you nail your flag to the mast, and admit that you think Islam evil.

I have read bits of the Quran, though not all, and it's just another religious script. What I don't take kindly to is such as this: "don't for one second believe that it is equivalent to the Christian Bible in its current relevance". I don't need you to tell me what to believe (heaven forbid anyone needs you to tell them what to believe); you're no advert for sensible thinking, for a start. I also question why you feel the need to advise me as such; are you worried that I might find that, in fact, it IS equivalent to the Christian bible etc? Seriously, there's a high horse under you; if you're going to make points that people are happy to take on board, you need to get off it.

As for the TV show; it would be a fantasy one, in which the UK will be an Islamic state in a few years. Probably called' The Daily Mail'.


Pigeonholing people is what the left do, and certainly not me!  Because of this they do exactly what you do above: rather than tackling ideas which they can't handle they go in for ad hominem attacks.

You are telling us that Islam is not an evil.  So what in your book is an evil?  Let's take Naziism and its own manual Hitler's Mein Kampf - simple question: are those evils?  Keep you answer short and straightforward, so's not to muddy the waters please?

  • Like 2

You just pigeonholed an entire religion - 'the evil of Islam' - and can't even see it. What has Naziism to do with Islam? If you don't want to muddy the waters, why are you introducing something that is of no relevance? You really are a curious person! Also, if you want to play the 'this is what certain sort of people do' I can play that one, too. People who don't really have much of an argument start labelling others as 'the left' or 'lefties', or perhaps 'righties', and telling them they are making 'ad hominem attacks', perhaps hoping they look superior. There was nothing ad hominem about that post; I told you to get off your high horse and not tell people what they should believe. You really should.


I'm simply curious to examine your ideas of good and evil.  You tell us "some people are evil."  I want to know who those evil people are.

You see I don't believe there are any irredeemable people, only irredeemable ideas.  Islam is one of those irredeemable ideas, and has no place in a modern civilised society.  I want to examine exactly why you are an apologist for it.  How is determining what you believe is evil "introducing something that is of no relevance" in a discussion about evil?

I answer your questions directly, but you seek to dodge mine.

  • Like 2

If you don't believe there are irredeemable people then there's not really I can say, apart from there are lots. I'm not really interested in your questions, to be honest, because I don't think you're really interested in my answers; you're right, and everybody else is wrong, and that will always be the case. I'm a bit busy today, got to earn a living. 

2 minutes ago, mercuryg said:

If you don't believe there are irredeemable people then there's not really I can say, apart from there are lots. I'm not really interested in your questions, to be honest, because I don't think you're really interested in my answers; you're right, and everybody else is wrong, and that will always be the case. I'm a bit busy today, got to earn a living. 

Here we are back to the indirect ad hominem.  The reason you won't answer any clarifying questions is "because I don't think you're really interested in my answers; you're right, and everybody else is wrong, and that will always be the case".  i.e. I'm badly motivated, so that apparently justifies the refusal to examine your own highly inconsistent ideas.

Yes, I do think there aren't irredeemable people, but if we aren't vigilant and challenge evil belief sets we can easily get into a situation where there is no practical alternative to eliminating the people and not the ideas.  That's why apologists for such belief sets are themselves dangerous to society, and need to be challenged.

If you do find the time to reply in a spirit of free discussion and not personal attack, then I'm happy to resume a friendly discussion.


  • Like 2
1 hour ago, threegee said:

 I don't think you're really interested in my answers; you're right, and everybody else is wrong, and that will always be the case".  .


Amen to that brother

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, threegee said:

Pigeonholing people is what the left do, and certainly not me!  Because of this they do exactly what you do above: rather than tackling ideas which they can't handle they go in for ad hominem attacks.


I'm enjoying the banter but thought this was rather funny! 

  • Like 1

Moe: My guess - and it's simply a guess - that Merc's position on a lot of things is the same as the much of today's extreme left (and indeed what little there is of today's extreme right) that My enemy's enemy is my friend, and that's why he supports Islam and really wants to treat it like any other religion.

But.. he tells us we can't "pigeonhole" him as a leftie, yet he walks like a Corbynista leftie and quacks like a Corbynista leftie, and tells us he's proud to hold left wing views. That's why I am very interested in "his answers".  Corbyn's new kind of politics seems rather like an old kind of politics to me; but as you can't get any sort of rational discussion with a Corbynista (hello Mr Lavery!) I was rather hoping he could pretend he's one for the purposes of debate.

Lots of local people will be voting for Corbyn and McDonnell in future it seems, so think of explaining their mysterious policies to these voters as a public service.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
On 2018-02-23 at 16:36, Vic Patterson said:

I'm enjoying the banter but thought this was rather funny! 

Pigeonholing people is what the left do, and certainly not me!  Because of this they do exactly what you do above: rather than tackling ideas which they can't handle they go in for ad hominem attacks.

I thought it was hilarious!  It must be one of the all time classic greats on here!

Edited by Canny lass
Posted (edited)
On 2018-02-22 at 00:02, threegee said:

You placed single quotes around the words sleeper and activist.  Please point out where I ever used either of those words, or apologise for the misquote.

Why do people automatically assume that the use of quotation marks/inverted commas indicate that the words they enclose must be a quotation of something previously said or written? I think the problem lies in the name – quotation marks. According to MLA (2.2.8) The quotation mark/inverted comma, single or double, has several other uses, among them:

  •   placement around translations of foreign words or phrases:

Example;The word idiot is derived from the Latin word idiõta ‘ignorant person’.

  •  placement around words or phrases used in a special sense or purposefully misused: 

Example; In terminally PC Sweden they skirt around this and call them “exclusion areas”. These “exclusion areas” multiply by the week. Tell us exactly what is “excluded” from them please?

Thanks for the example sentences 3g.

 Steve’s use of single inverted commas falls clearly into the latter category.

Edited by Canny lass

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