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Friday night is quiz night ('cos I know you've got nothing better to do just now)

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...and here it is!

1.         Which Prussian statesman was known as The Iron Chancellor?

2.         What is the membranous sack which surrounds the heart called?

3.         Which British Prime Minister said “A week is a long time in politics”?

4.         Into which river did the Pied Piper of Hamlin lead the rats?

5.         Which male vocalist of the 60s had number one hits with Yeh Yeh, Get Away and Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde?

6.         In which London thoroughfare are the headquarters of the Horse Guards?

7.         In which sport are banderillas used?

8.         Which literary character’s main opponent was Von Stalhein?

9.         Which nutlike seeds are produced by the tree Prunus amygdalus?

10.      Where in the human body would you find the amygdala?

11.      Who won the 1997 Booker prize for the novel The God of Small Things?

12.      What do Americans call the game we know as draughts?


I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

Florence Nightingale kept a small owl in her pocket, even while serving in the Crimean War.

Answers on Thursday next week.

Advance warning: Only five more quiz nights! Sadly - or not, as the case may be - the last Friday Night Quiz will be posted 18th June. The reason being that by then we will be fully vaccinated and intend to make some attempt to resume a more normal lifestyle. We won't be going mad but are hoping to get out and about a bit further than the local forests and lakes. Of course, should there be any change in the situation you may have to put up with me a bit longer.

4 hours ago, Canny lass said:


Advance warning: Only five more quiz nights! Sadly - or not, as the case may be - the last Friday Night Quiz will be posted 18th June. The reason being that by then we will be fully vaccinated and intend to make some attempt to resume a more normal lifestyle. We won't be going mad but are hoping to get out and about a bit further than the local forests and lakes. Of course, should there be any change in the situation you may have to put up with me a bit longer.

Yeeee Haaaa - Canny lass + BH will get out before it gets dark again:thumbsup:

1.         Which Prussian statesman was known as The Iron Chancellor?

Answer =1792048353_1bismark.jpg.1e879fc936b3998cb845714bd8134404.jpg

2.         What is the membranous sack which surrounds the heart called?

Answer =1690930307_2pericardium.jpg.23f96da3aa89a5e128a7762f4104eb49.jpg

3.         Which British Prime Minister said “A week is a long time in politics”?

Answer =1277685952_3wilson.jpg.6d3b739f00900f2dcf6f0bb1f0c320c7.jpg

4.         Into which river did the Pied Piper of Hamlin lead the rats?

Answer =526697686_4piper.jpg.0a9fb4b35ed6db2df4b186abcc28eeeb.jpg

5.         Which male vocalist of the 60s had number one hits with Yeh Yeh, Get Away and Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde?

Answer =1373020772_5Fame.jpg.127c17df141c852287347a2269317f20.jpg

6.         In which London thoroughfare are the headquarters of the Horse Guards?

Answer =1848217663_6horse.jpg.0c3c29760de4a375681efbed90eaca66.jpg

7.         In which sport are banderillas used?

Answer =1273719836_7band.jpg.5b44cdad5c311cb74be15710b295a493.jpg

8.         Which literary character’s main opponent was Von Stalhein?

Answer =1013104810_8biggles.jpg.151a6b5f9d2d91c154ce66cf0e94ea30.jpg

9.         Which nutlike seeds are produced by the tree Prunus amygdalus?

Answer =1490228845_9almond.jpg.bbc26d7390b9238824d7600626fbc937.jpg

10.      Where in the human body would you find the amygdala?

Answer =956659056_10brain.png.294c5f16152d0ec727bba704341d2394.png

11.      Who won the 1997 Booker prize for the novel The God of Small Things?

Answer =523814536_11arundhati.jpg.9b97bbea513bd79ecd8f3d6afa8a3fe4.jpg

12.      What do Americans call the game we know as draughts?

Answer =Checkers

I’ll bet you didn’t know ….


Florence Nightingale kept a small owl in her pocket, even while serving in the Crimean War.

Answer = I didn’t – the wounded must have found het a hoot!

  • Haha 1

1.         Which Prussian statesman was known as The Iron Chancellor?                    Bismarck

2.         What is the membranous sack which surrounds the heart called?               Peri Cardus sac

3.         Which British Prime Minister said “A week is a long time in politics”?            Harold Wilson

4.         Into which river did the Pied Piper of Hamlin lead the rats?                           The Wesser  

5.         Which male vocalist of the 60s had number one hits with Yeh Yeh, Get Away and Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde?

                                                                                                             Georgie Fame and the blue flames

6.         In which London thoroughfare are the headquarters of the Horse Guards?        Whitehall

7.         In which sport are banderillas used?                                                                          Bullfighting 

8.         Which literary character’s main opponent was Von Stalhein?

9.         Which nutlike seeds are produced by the tree Prunus amygdalus?

10.      Where in the human body would you find the amygdala?                                         In the head

11.      Who won the 1997 Booker prize for the novel The God of Small Things?

12.      What do Americans call the game we know as draughts?                                         Checkers

16 hours ago, Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) said:

- Canny lass + BH will get out before it gets dark again

Less of the BH, young man! Equality rules in this household so OH will do nicely thank you (that's unless you're referring to my OH's BH , of course).

  • Like 1

Answers to last week's quiz:

1.       Bismark

2.       Pericardium

3.       Harold Wilson

4.       Weser

5.       Georgie Fame

6.       Whitehall

7.       Bullfighting

8.       Biggles

9.       Almonds

10.   In the temporal lobe of the brain

11.   Arundhati Roy

12.   Chequers

New quiz tomorrow.

  • Thanks 1

It's Friday, it's quiz night. Time to give the old bumps of knowledge an airing:

1.         What name is given to a joint of beef cut from the breast next to the ribs?

2.         Which English king married Mary of Teck?

3.         Yenisey and Irtysh are both major examples of which kind of geographical feature?

4.         The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 by Abd-al-Malik. Where is it?

5.         Which Cole Porter song was inspired by a leaky tap?

6.         In boxing, what name is given to a class under 8 stone?

7.         What is the more common name for aquaculture?

8.         Which member of the British Royal family was born on 15th September 1984?

9.         Which US President’s presidency was called the Thousand Days?

10.      In which year was the Wall Street Crash?

11.      Ryeland, Kerry Hill and Roscommon are all breeds of which animal?

12.      Who played the title role in The Incredible Hulk?


I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

There are 4,000 different types of knot.

Answers on Thursday next week.


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

1.         What name is given to a joint of beef cut from the breast next to the ribs?

Answer =292001024_1brisk.jpg.0d18ca7874a48ba642736f515ddfca38.jpg

2.         Which English king married Mary of Teck?

Answer -1992259110_2gv.jpg.109b78f6d48ff8e8596f016248704394.jpg

3.         Yenisey and Irtysh are both major examples of which kind of geographical feature?

Answer = River

4.         The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 by Abd-al-Malik. Where is it?

Answer = Jerusalem1115592910_4jer.jpg.3ee11b3b7717a062db56fcfab8412f92.jpg

5.         Which Cole Porter song was inspired by a leaky tap?

Answer = The Absinthe Drip

6.         In boxing, what name is given to a class under 8 stone?

Answer =424780028_6fly.jpg.dd950394fe63e68433e5f375162dee1e.jpg

7.         What is the more common name for aquaculture?

Answer = Aquafarming

8.         Which member of the British Royal family was born on 15th September 1984?

Answer = Harry


9.         Which US President’s presidency was called the Thousand Days?

Answer =2121115009_9jfk.jpg.620204989686c3f018787965ebc166f5.jpg

10.      In which year was the Wall Street Crash?

Answer =285554486_10crash.jpg.0abac33254a61ea006c5ad3746dda2d9.jpg

11.      Ryeland, Kerry Hill and Roscommon are all breeds of which animal?

Answer =521500375_11sheep2.jpg.19ce932eaae3f3aad92d8ce4e6ba66b4.jpg

12.      Who played the title role in The Incredible Hulk?

 Answer =219240216_12hulk2.jpeg.d928c6c169d3f2d797354a87589f5d25.jpeg

I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

There are 4,000 different types of knot.

Answer = I didn’t


Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)
1 hour ago, Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) said:

I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

There are 4,000 different types of knot.

Answer = I didn’t

Neither did I. My girl-guiding knowledge stretched to Granny- and reef knot. What a mine of information this quiz is!

  • Like 1

Answers to last week's quiz:

1.       Brisket

2.       George V

3.       Rivers

4.       Jerusalem

5.       Night and Day

6.       Flyweight

7.       Fish farming

8.       Prince Henry

9.       J F Kennedy

10.   1929

11.   Sheep

12.   Bill Bixby

New quiz tomorrow!

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2

Friday is upon us once more! Release your inner genius. If he doesn't want to come out then you can use Google:

1.         What did Messrs Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain invent in1947?

2.         Which is the oldest of the Cambridge colleges, founded in 1248?

3.         Which song begins “When you left me all alone, at the record hop; told me you were going out for a soda pop”?

4.         Darbies is a slang word for what?

5.         Boo boo is the friend of which cartoon character?

6.         Who made history in 1997 by becoming the youngest ever US masters golf champion?

7.         What can be a box or a part of the body?

8.         Which monarchs preceded and succeeded Elizabeth I?

9.         What do the initials GMT stand for?

10.      Which French word describes a very thick soup?

11.      Hearts and Hibs come from which Scottish city?

12.      Which stretch of water separates the Scottish mainland from the Orkneys?


I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

In America there once was a magazine called Chocolate News. It came in a glossy brown cover and actually smelled of chocolate.

Answers on Thursday.


1.         What did Messrs Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain invent in1947?

Answer =684551073_1trans.jpg.23a443ecaa82a70ec1d291f9f979d7d1.jpg

2.         Which is the oldest of the Cambridge colleges, founded in 1248?

Answer = Oxford

3.         Which song begins “When you left me all alone, at the record hop; told me you were going out for a soda pop”?

Answer =754037226_3connie.jpg.51cd46347a56aad460217f5ae103e18b.jpg

4.         Darbies is a slang word for what?

Answer =618523908_4darbies.jpg.9a5633a177e9d277a041ac8092fdf234.jpg

5.         Boo boo is the friend of which cartoon character?

Answer =1140729959_5yogi.jpg.f5bcf1919182b38cc723bf4f3f1f5a65.jpg

6.         Who made history in 1997 by becoming the youngest ever US masters golf champion?

Answer =181392910_6tiger.jpg.426731d1527f830d488c2ca2008a5276.jpg

7.         What can be a box or a part of the body?

Answer =1136121146_7chest.jpg.60d2b0abbf61367015b704da5a168cdd.jpg

8.         Which monarchs preceded and succeeded Elizabeth I?

Answer =173553037_8lizzy.jpg.7b496b157df1597a7953d8fd0a5d9091.jpg

9.         What do the initials GMT stand for?

Answer =595255181_9gmt.jpg.0c75140a99aa980e5d20c15f8f8f3154.jpg

10.      Which French word describes a very thick soup?

Answer = Potage

11.      Hearts and Hibs come from which Scottish city?

Answer = Edinburgh

12.      Which stretch of water separates the Scottish mainland from the Orkneys?

Answer =1082260258_12pent.jpg.85812a4970baaa6c3ea6fbd3c55d97c7.jpg

 I’ll bet you didn’t know ….


In America there once was a magazine called Chocolate News. It came in a glossy brown cover and actually smelled of chocolate.

Answer = I didn’t


Answers to last week's quiz:

1.       The transistor

2.       Peterhouse

3.       Lipstick on your collar

4.       Handcuffs

5.       Yogi bear

6.       Tiger Woods

7.       Chest

8.       Mary I and James I

9.       Greenwich  Mean Time

10.   Potage

11.   Edinburgh

12.   Pentland Firth

New quiz tomorrow.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)

It's a bit later than usual because I've been away from home having my second Covis vaccination but it's Friday night (almost) and time for a bit of deep thinking and a portion of head scratching:

1.         What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets?

2.         What is the final event in the decathlon?

3.         Of New Zealand’s two main islands which is the larger, North Island or South Island?

4.         In which city can you see the Obelisk of Luxor?

5.         What sort of instruments are timpani, table and boodhran?

6.         What was the name of the cook in the TV series Upstairs Downstairs?

7.         Who wrote the song A Whiter Shade of Pale?

8.         Who led the victorious armies at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314?

9.         Before marrying Mark Antony, who was Cleopatra’s lover?

10.      In which sport are the terms ‘silly mid off’ and ‘extra cover’ used?

11.      The sun’s heat is derived from the fusion of hydrogen and which other element?

12.      What type of fruit is a Grenadier?


I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

All polar bears are left-handed.

Answers on Thursday next week, as usual.

Edited by Canny lass

1.         Drove (or litter.)

2.         1,500-metre run.

3.         South Island

4.         Paris.

5.        Kettledrums

6.         Kate Hudson

7.         Brooker, Reid and Fisher

8.         King of Scots Robert the Bruce

9.         Julius Caesar

10.      Cricket

11.      Helium. (lithium, beryllium, and boron)

12.      Apple


1.         What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets?                                                  A Farrow

2.         What is the final event in the decathlon?                                                                             1,500mtrs

3.         Of New Zealand’s two main islands which is the larger, North Island or South Island?    South Island

4.         In which city can you see the Obelisk of Luxor?

5.         What sort of instruments are timpani, table and boodhran?                                                Drums

6.         What was the name of the cook in the TV series Upstairs Downstairs?                             Mrs MacKay

7.         Who wrote the song A Whiter Shade of Pale?                                                                       Garry Brooker

8.         Who led the victorious armies at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314?                                 Robert the Bruce

9.         Before marrying Mark Antony, who was Cleopatra’s lover?                                                  Julius Caesar  

10.      In which sport are the terms ‘silly mid off’ and ‘extra cover’ used?                                        Cricket

11.      The sun’s heat is derived from the fusion of hydrogen and which other element?                Helium 

12.      What type of fruit is a Grenadier?                                                                                              Apple


1. Farrow or litter uk  Of piglets

2. 1500 metres 

3. South Island

4. Paris             
5. Percussion 

6. Mrs Bridges later Mrs Hudson

7. Brooker, Reid & Hooker

8. Robert the Bruce

9. Julius Caesar 

10. Cricket 

11. Hydrogen and helium 

12. Pomegranate 




1.         What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets?

Answer = Farrow

2.         What is the final event in the decathlon?

Answer = 400803044_21500.jpg.f8973dd75841ad14b52fb407b677d8f7.jpg

3.         Of New Zealand’s two main islands which is the larger, North Island or South Island?

Answer =232477856_3south.jpg.b1c6921d54339444969f34c4f382d343.jpg

4.         In which city can you see the Obelisk of Luxor?

Answer =1736215063_4paris.jpg.0064bfa536f68f1cfb52ca530c312874.jpg

5.         What sort of instruments are timpani, table and boodhran?

Answer =  Drums1087087183_5drums.JPG.9e4aaf2c654336aba081aa417e868c90.JPG

6.         What was the name of the cook in the TV series Upstairs Downstairs?

Answer =698132507_6cook.jpg.677cb6a74fe779c769624976c75f23cd.jpg

7.         Who wrote the song A Whiter Shade of Pale?

Answer =1591682238_7procol-harum.jpg.18567a827c04a2e4230658e1b40a181b.jpg

8.         Who led the victorious armies at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314?

Answer =556844593_8Robertb.jpg.477f08e3049ee3db3b0ba95126eab2d9.jpg

9.         Before marrying Mark Antony, who was Cleopatra’s lover?

Answer =926990157_9julius.jpg.7f381eb5924c246df41ae187d2bf8421.jpg

10.      In which sport are the terms ‘silly mid off’ and ‘extra cover’ used?

Answer =1498403575_10cricket.jpg.65e90bd858d340ebf919740d77153f76.jpg

11.      The sun’s heat is derived from the fusion of hydrogen and which other element?

Answer =2010416827_11Fusion.png.28aa652f29323f75e22c20ec674a53c5.png

12.      What type of fruit is a Grenadier?

Answer =1741656166_12Grenadier.jpg.6a1681ce3633627bc9de3c43969cca01.jpg

 I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

All polar bears are left-handed.

Answer = Nooo – polar bears live in the North not the ‘southpaw’ antarctica.


Polar bears are related to Grizzlies, who are thought to poop in the woods because, well, they live there. But polar bears never poo in the woods because they live on ice… they poop where they stand regardless of the place, and they scream while doing it.


Top 10 facts about polar bears

1. Polar bears are classified as marine mammals. ...

2. Polar bears are actually black, not white. ...

3. They can swim constantly for days at a time. ...

4. Less than 2% of polar bear hunts are successful. ...

5. Scientists can extract polar bear DNA from just their footprints. ...

6. They face more threats than climate change. ...

7. Grizzly-polar bear hybrids exist.




31 minutes ago, Canny lass said:

.. not enough roughage in their diet, obviously!



Answers to last wek's quiz:

1.       A Farrow

2.       1,500 metres

3.       South Island

4.       Paris

5.       Drums

6.       Mrs. Bridges

7.       Keith Reid and Gary Brooker

8.       Robert the Bruce

9.       Caesar

10.   Cricket

11.   Helium

12.   Apple

New quiz tomorrow.

  • Thanks 2

The penultimate quiz. Thought we might have a bit of a 'special'next week to round it off but this week it's the usual 12 questions:

1.         What would you expect to find in a pluvial region?

2.         Where is Rupert Bear’s home town?

3.         What is the surname of boxing brothers Leon and Michael?

4.         From which country does the wine Johannisberger come?

5.         A nectarine is a cross between a peach and which other fruit?

6.         In what year did Salman Rushdie go into hiding?

7.         There are two Cleopatra’s Needles. One is in London, where is the other?

8.         Who sang the theme song to the Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me?

9.         Who in literature was haunted by the ghost of Banquo?

10.      Into which sea or ocean does the Mekong river flow?

11.      Which European prime minister was assassinated in February 1986?

12.      What were The Kinks dedicated followers of in 1966?


I’ll bet you didn’t know ….

In Waterloo, Nebraska, barbers are prohibited from eating onions between the hours of 7am and 7pm.

Answers on Thursday next week.


1.         What would you expect to find in a pluvial region? High precipitation

2.         Where is Rupert Bear’s home town? Nutwood

3.         What is the surname of boxing brothers Leon and Michael? Spinks

4.         From which country does the wine Johannisberger come? Germany

5.         A nectarine is a cross between a peach and which other fruit? Plum

6.         In what year did Salman Rushdie go into hiding? 1989

7.         There are two Cleopatra’s Needles. One is in London, where is the other? New York City

8.         Who sang the theme song to the Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me?  Marvin Hamlisch

9.         Who in literature was haunted by the ghost of Banquo? Macbeth

10.      Into which sea or ocean does the Mekong river flow? South China Sea.

11.      Which European prime minister was assassinated in February 1986? Olof Palme

12.      What were The Kinks dedicated followers of in 1966? Fashion


  • Like 1

1.         What would you expect to find in a pluvial region?                                          In the sky

2.         Where is Rupert Bear’s home town?                                                                  Longwood                                                   

3.         What is the surname of boxing brothers Leon and Michael?                            Sphinx

4.         From which country does the wine Johannisberger come?                              South Africa

5.         A nectarine is a cross between a peach and which other fruit?                         Plum   

6.         In what year did Salman Rushdie go into hiding?                                                 1989

7.         There are two Cleopatra’s Needles. One is in London, where is the other?        New York

8.         Who sang the theme song to the Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me?                Carly Simon

9.         Who in literature was haunted by the ghost of Banquo?

10.      Into which sea or ocean does the Mekong river flow?                                           China Sea

11.      Which European prime minister was assassinated in February 1986?                   A Swede

12.      What were The Kinks dedicated followers of in 1966?                                            Fashion

  • Like 1

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