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How come all of the terrorists are doctors anyway?

Do you think they become doctors to get into the country easier?

I found it funny too... and as not wanting to start another holy war on the site, thought it would be better left. At least this way I've been able to have a bit of a chuckle imagining some Playboy loving lady threating her fella with loss of priviledges should he not chin every non-white bloke in Guidepost...

Anyway... I thought it was a p*** take? This kind of script deserves to bee in a Chris Morris show... :D

What`s Guidepost got to do with owt?

What`s Guidepost got to do with owt?

Erm... the clinic in Guidepost doesn't have a high ratio of Asian to white doctors does it?

Erm... the clinic in Guidepost doesn't have a high ratio of Asian to white doctors does it?

yes it does about 4 of them

yes it does about 4 of them

Aye..and they`re all as useless as a chocolate fireguard :blink:

Was Harold Shipman an Asian?

Also, since this topic is now discussing Guidepost, will it get moved to the "on-topic" board?

If the topic progresses to a topic worth keeping on topic, it will be split, and the on-topic parts moved, however, this would have to be requested!

Only the TOTT forum is strict on topics staying on topic... if you see what i'm saying...


is it terrorists? no its just mr darns cr*ppy rule and regulations! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

is it terrorists? no its just mr darns cr*ppy rule and regulations! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

True..there`s bits and pieces of forum scattered all owa the place.. :blink:

The driver was called Singed Majeep.

and the workers at Glasgow airport had ordered a takeaway..they weren`t owa happy when tha indians arrived burnt :lol:

and the workers at Glasgow airport had ordered a takeaway..they weren`t owa happy when tha indians arrived burnt :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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