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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/05/16 in all areas

  1. I am free to roam where ever I wish. Used up all my credit on my Pay as You Go and told the kids not to try and contact me. Don't watch TV debates - get out and roam, for free. Unless you run your own business and have EU regulations controlling your business output, just relax and roam free. Stay away from the Happeny woods, the other side has just as many attractions and it's free to roam. Do I really care? In - Out, what's it all about, Alfie? I'm Roaming in the Gloaming with a Bonnie near the Clyde - then the EU stepped in and it's politically correct chorus line - Roamin' in the gloamin' on the bonnie banks o' Clyde Hour after hour after hour of debate where existing EU Trade Commissioner(s) say no to Brexit, or yes to stay and keep their jobs. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership = the EU-US trade deal would create the largest free-trade area in the world. So add the World Fair Trade enabling the South of the planet to move from income insecurity and poverty to economic self-sufficiency and ownership. Do we now have half (approx) of the world on the fairest deals the establishments can offer? Perhaps in '1984' I just fell in love and found complete utopia and just like the EU my wife has exercised a totalitarian environment where really I can't roam as I please! I could go on, and on, and on but really I can't get any more confused. Just offer me a half price roaming deal for six months with the freedom to switch suppliers, when I'm told, and I will be content. ps me uncomplicated State Pension (made up of Basic rate + Pre 97 additional State Pension [ also known as SERPS] + less Contracted-Out Deduction [also known as COD] + Post 97 additional State Pension [that today's youth won't be eligible for if they reach State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016] + Graduated Retirement Benefit [also known as GRAD, to them in the know] arrived in me on-line bank account toady.
    2 points
  2. Ahh - keep diving in head first young man,. Life wouldn't be much fun without doing so. Now that Legal Highs are Illegal Highs us pensioners need more ways that Compare the Market to get us excited!
    2 points
  3. Consider your knuckles well and truly rapped young man!
    1 point
  4. Totally agree Brian, screew the eu and the unelected dross that run it.
    1 point
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