I'm going to upset the apple cart here:
I'm not registered to vote.
I honestly and truly believe it won't make a single bit of difference if I vote or not.
I have no reliable way of knowing the outcome of either vote, (I certainly don't believe any of the drivel spouted on the TV and newspapers and online and in leaflets posted through my door.) and therefore don't have the relevant facts I need to make an informed decision.
How can I say this?
Past experience. Too many times have these people told me things will happen when they get in office, then brought up an excuse as to why it didn't. (I don't have any examples, and no longer care enough to research any. We all know its true.) and then just go on to do whatever the hell they like anyway for the next 4 years.
These same people are now trying to get me to decide if we should be in or out, and spouting all this bullshit at me based on their own opinion and facts that can be written several ways to back up several completely different stories, and I've had enough of it. And frankly so have many MANY other people.
I'm not voting because I honestly couldn't care less if we are in or out (Even though in the poll above I voted to leave. If a gun was to my head, that would be what I voted)
And frankly, until they put a "None of the above" on the ballot papers during the elections, I refuse to be a part of it.
I'm just going to do what the rest of the masses are doing, and refusing to turn up until I have an option worth voting for.
Why else is there such a poor turnout? Those who want to make a difference are simply voting for the opposite party of the one they definitely DON'T want in, and where is the use in that?
All that happens then is the 2 losing parties (by overall vote) club together to become a party that wasn't on the ballot paper, wasn't voted for, and wasn't wanted.
When shit like that can happen, where is the point in a majority system?
(Sorry I brought up elections in an "In Out" vote discussion, but it was relevant as to my reasoning.)
If the country turns to shit because I got to a point where I refuse to care, and didn't vote, I don't see that as my failing, I see it as a failing of the system.