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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/16 in all areas

  1. Thank you all for the kind wishes, I almost missed this thread as I'm trying to avoid social media and television until Saturday, Its worse than a nagging wife listening to Ca-moron, Boris, Osborne and Gove......oooops forgot to mention 3G
    2 points
  2. "I honestly and truly believe it won't make a single bit of difference if I vote or not." I honestly could scream every time I read or hear someone say this; of course it makes a difference! Don't listen to the propaganda and the bullshit; use your vote to express what YOU believe, what it means to you. Do you work, for example? If you do, will the EU situation affect you on that area of your life? Where do you do your shopping? Simple, basic things. or, quite simply, you are intensely patriotic and believe, for whatever reason, Britain is Britain, and not Europe. Or, perhaps, you like lasagne, and feel you should vote remain because it's Italian. Above all, use - gain - your bloody right to vote! You're not upsetting the applecart; you're being - with respect - extremely stupid.
    2 points
  3. It looks interesting but it'll have to wait until Saturday. Fully occupied here at the minute and on Friday it's Midsummer Eve - Biggest holiday in the Swedish calender. But I promise I'll get round to it.
    1 point
  4. Yes, but what if you've no confidence in any Party? Do you just put your mark against the one that least offends you, even though it grieves you to give them a vote, or do you show your distaste by not voting for anyone? Every ballot paper should have a box marked 'No confidence in any of the above, please supply another list of candidates!
    1 point
  5. Of course, my above post wouldn't apply to the EU where you DON'T EVEN HAVE A VOTE TO WITHHOLD! BREXIT all the way for me!
    1 point
  6. At last! Some truly credible, sensible arguments for remaining. Just one question: This "ability to fly like an eagle" promise - is it the bird or is it Eddie? Only asking because I fly a lot and this could ultimately get me to come down on one side or the other. Just think what I'd save on air fares!
    1 point
  7. Fortunately I haven't listened to all the other regurgitated, unimaginative, and self serving EU drive that has been posted and as like Chris D. says :- I have matured into a caring responsible adult my views on voting, in whatever poll; election etc. etc. have allowed me to cast my vote not caring of the outcome. My past experience has taught me to relax in my declining years knowing that the outcome will be managed by many people, hopefully from different walks of life, that the majority will work as hard as they can to achieve what they believe in. Unfortunately we can't stop those with their head up their own orifice that join political groups to try and manipulate legislation to suite their own ends (and that's just my opinion, not something to debate). However one point of Chris D's I disagree with is the one of not voting. We may feel that, it makes no difference or we don't understand or what does it matter but it's there to use and in my opinion if you don't use your vote then don't complain. Register for postal voting, it's simple and you don't have to drag yourself out of the house, on that one day, to do it. Whilst out for a casual drive, trip to the pub, or out exercising your pet in the environment it was created for you can even pull up close to a post box and pop it in. I hand mine to the wife and she does the leg work. n I Remain yours forever. Eggy
    1 point
  8. And, Eggy how about opening your mind to exactly why Dougan is coming out with all this drivel? Follow the money and you'll see! He's very coy about his own funding but a female colleague isn't quite so unforthcoming. She admits to EU money, but you need to dig a little deeper to find out where Liverpool Law School gets much of it's funding. It's part of the Russell Group of universities, which seems to be how most of the payola is channelled. There's an interesting document titled "Russell Group universities and the European Union" which boasts about the £3.5 billions of EU money it is responsible for disbursing. It also boasts about £579 millions of direct funding. It, and more, is all our own money of course, cleverly presented to glorify the font of all beneficence. If you don't boldly present a project as EU funded (even though they only stump up 50% most of the time and place strings on the local funding element too) your funding is rapidly withdrawn. There's a massive propaganda machine out there that feeds on public gullibility, and you and I are funding it - "open your minds" to that!
    1 point
  9. I'm going to upset the apple cart here: I'm not registered to vote. Reason? I honestly and truly believe it won't make a single bit of difference if I vote or not. I have no reliable way of knowing the outcome of either vote, (I certainly don't believe any of the drivel spouted on the TV and newspapers and online and in leaflets posted through my door.) and therefore don't have the relevant facts I need to make an informed decision. How can I say this? Past experience. Too many times have these people told me things will happen when they get in office, then brought up an excuse as to why it didn't. (I don't have any examples, and no longer care enough to research any. We all know its true.) and then just go on to do whatever the hell they like anyway for the next 4 years. These same people are now trying to get me to decide if we should be in or out, and spouting all this bullshit at me based on their own opinion and facts that can be written several ways to back up several completely different stories, and I've had enough of it. And frankly so have many MANY other people. I'm not voting because I honestly couldn't care less if we are in or out (Even though in the poll above I voted to leave. If a gun was to my head, that would be what I voted) And frankly, until they put a "None of the above" on the ballot papers during the elections, I refuse to be a part of it. I'm just going to do what the rest of the masses are doing, and refusing to turn up until I have an option worth voting for. Why else is there such a poor turnout? Those who want to make a difference are simply voting for the opposite party of the one they definitely DON'T want in, and where is the use in that? All that happens then is the 2 losing parties (by overall vote) club together to become a party that wasn't on the ballot paper, wasn't voted for, and wasn't wanted. When shit like that can happen, where is the point in a majority system? (Sorry I brought up elections in an "In Out" vote discussion, but it was relevant as to my reasoning.) If the country turns to shit because I got to a point where I refuse to care, and didn't vote, I don't see that as my failing, I see it as a failing of the system.
    1 point
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