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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/16 in all areas

  1. We had BBC and Sky providing 24/7 cover about the murder of Jo Cox as well as a stream of MPs and Luvies weeping and wailing, then surprise surprise once voting for the referendum is over the coverage is turned off like a switch, how sad to have seen this young woman's murder used as a political jemmy for the stay campaign
    3 points
  2. Free movement, now there’s a thing to strive for – or so my physiotherapist tells me – especially when it comes to knees. Free movement in the knees is invaluable in achieving all manner of things that elbows can’t do by themselves. Therefore we should all look after our knees. I’ve looked after mine but not as much as I should have done. I’ve neglected them a bit. OK, they get a bit of a going over with all this running but perhaps I could have gone the extra mile and invested in better running shoes just to show them I cared – but I have to think about my economy. And maybe I should have listened to them when they started complaining about all the tap-dancing – at my age. However, even though they haven’t got my whole-hearted support, and at times they’ve been treated very badly, they continue to give me some sort of strength and, dare I say it, stability. They make me ‘whole’ so to speak. And even if I can read research reports in the Daily Rant and the Weekly Moan telling me that the remainder of me can manage just fine without my knees AND that having them removed would only improve my life because the knees, having neither brains nor feeling, would continue to do their work anyway – with the added bonus that I no longer have responsibility for them - I am cautious. Even my physio, who’s all for movement, would have me believe that they’d still be there for me and that I’d never again have to think about going up the stairs “the knees will be there for you, CL”, ”your will will be their command, CL”, “there’s no pain without gain, CL” (did he really say that?)! He carefully ignores all my questions about ‘knee-length’ shorts and dismisses all my fears of how silly I’d look without knees as ‘just scaremongering’. How, without knees, I would be able to kneel down to comfort a crying child, resuscitate a dying human or even scrub the floor of the toilet, he does not know but he advises me against turning to any expert, these being under the control of the brain. All my ‘bad hair’ days, varicose veins and failing eyesight will disappear, he adds, and shows me a newspaper report which proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my knees are to blame for these problems as well. His firm belief is that I “will once again get control” but he cannot really tell me how to acheive that if I don’t have knees.
    2 points
  3. „There's a wonderful life awaiting outside of the EU, and all this nonsense, dreamed up the international elites for their own enrichment, simply has to end.“ You’ve achieved your goal,‘’The End”, Where is it? Mother I Want to… Father I Want to… Is that your solution, for ‘GGG’s sake, wake up to the real world! You wanted out, so tell the people you voted with and those contrary to your sense of mind how to get there. *Knife grinding” seems to be the growing attitude, anything positive going on.
    2 points
  4. If only they were still there for me! I use to tremble at the use! I made my stairs disappear, I bought a bungalow. Knee problem noo. Physios are my knew friends, see them twice a week. They are all young, fit and have 'nee' bother sorting me oot.
    1 point
  5. Now that would be a sight for sore eyes!
    1 point
  6. I'm sure some of our top boffins can overcome that little problem. Even so, if we stay here, there won't be any left soon, thanks to a massive growth in the Muslim population, who will clearly breathe it all.
    1 point
  7. Thousands of fraudulent names have been removed from the EU referendum petition The House of Commons Petition Committee said it had removed about 77,000 signatures which were added "fraudulently" and it monitoring for suspicious activity. Never heard a mention of this from our biased broadcasters yet http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/26/concern-as-online-call-for-second-brexit-vote-gains-more-than-3
    1 point
  8. I'm not liking this little snippet taken from a BBC article obout funding for Science now that we are leaving the EU ... If that's the price we have to pay then I'd say 'Stuff Science!'
    1 point
  9. From the album: Bedlington & Netherton Old Photo`s

    The photograph Was taken On 19th July 1919 during Bedlingtons Peace Celebrations following World War 1. "Bedlington celebrated the Peace on Saturday by entertaining the school children, the aged people over sixty, and all ex-servicemen to tea and sports. The children and ex-servicemen assembled in the Market Place at 1.30pm where they sang the National Anthem, and Councillor J. Caine, J.P., addressed those assembled. A procession was then formed, and headed by the Netherton Silver Prize Band, marched to the field for sports, the field being kindly granted by E. Gray, for the purpose, a fairly large programme of sports was enthusiastically gone through, not only by the children and ex-servicemen, but by the old people as well, prizes for each event being £1, 12/6d, and 7/6 respectively. At 3pm the old people sat down to a splendid tea in the Locke Hall, which was most tastefully decorated for the occasion, the tables also being beautifully adorned with flowers, and the various ladies who presided vying with each other for the best display. The comments of the old people showed how thoroughly they enjoyed the good things provided, Soldiers widows were entertained with the old people, each being presented by Councillor Caine on behalf of the committee with a 10/ note. The ex-servicemen sat down to tea at 4.30, and greatly taxed the efforts of Mr. Eadington and his staff of ladies to supply their wants. However like the proverbial "Bedlington Terriers" their tenacious efforts prevailed and the ex-servicemen were satisfied, and voted it a good tea: "couldn't be better", said one. The school children had tea in their own schools, the teaching staffs with various helpers attending to them. After tea all sports were resumed, being witnessed by huge crowds of the townspeople, who seemed to enjoy the sports equally with those who took part. Dancing was indulged in by the young folk both on the green and in the Locke Hall. At 11 pm, Mrs. Weeks set fire to a large bonfire in the colliery field which was built through the kindness of Mr. R.J. Weeks. A fireworks display was also given, these being purchased by the subscriptions of many of the public, Councillor Leathard and Mr. J. A. Chrisp being responsible. The proceedings from start to finish were declared perfect, and spoke well for the way in which each section was organised. Councillor J. Caine, J.P., acted as chairman and Mr. J. Eadington as secretary to whose efforts with those of the ladies and gentlemen who formed the committee, the success of the proceedings were due. The Bedlington dancing party, who have done so much for the boys while they were away fighting were represented on the committee, and were responsible for the tasteful way in which the hall was decorated.".
    1 point
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