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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/06/16 in all areas

  1. I believe the sex of those virgins are not stated anywhere in the promise... Quite possibly was! I did the same thing there and just stirred the pot once I heard them talking about it. To be honest, With the exception of me saying 'I don't know enough to vote sensibly, therefore I won't be voting', I'd consider all my replies on the subject to be pot stirring. I come here to get information on Bedlington. I remember when that was the subject most of the time, but now it just seems to be a penis-measuring political cess-pool. Whilst I realise politics will have a profound effect on Bedlington in one way or another, It bores the hell out of me. Sorry!
    1 point
  2. I'd be your first customer!
    1 point
  3. Good advice CL, but there's no way I'd cut the cannabis production for sprouts, but you've given me another idea ... When cooking sprouts, it's common procedure to cut a 'cross' shape in the stalk to aid cooking. Now then, if I inserted an amount of cannabis into the 'cross' and then cooked them I would be able to start up a mobile Sunday Dinners service that would be the envy of the country! A similar tactic got Coca Cola off the ground, so why shouldn't it work for me?
    1 point
  4. Bah! Article ... Shmarticle! That button will never be pressed! Not by the tossers we have in power these days anyway. No, it's ok, I'll grow my own sprouts thanks. Monsanto have some great varieties out now. Could do with a bit more sunshine though, those chemtrails don't half get in the way. Will the EU place a cap on my sprout production I wonder? I might end up throwing 2/3 of them away!
    1 point
  5. "our looking down on voters because they don't ascribe to your own blinkered mindset is the epitome of elitism! " But you do exactly the same. "We will prosper outside the EU, every business person I respect is of that opinion," Suffice to say, many I have spoken too are of the opposite opinion. Not all, I might add, but certainly the majority. " What successful business enterprise have you ever controlled?" Quite a few, as it happens; one in my twenties, which sold to a bigger rival, and was a manufacturing operation; I've managed businesses at high levels, again in manufacturing; and I now run a successful service. I have a business degree, am a qualified accountant, and have a wide range of experience. "so, what's your excuse for terminal naivety?" See the first point.
    1 point
  6. One might even say the Germans tried war, and failed. Now they are trying politics... ...Food for thought?
    1 point
  7. I'm sorry, but if you think the Muslim community isn't a threat to Britain, then you're misguided. The greatest threat to Britain right now is the womb. No missiles, or bombers. The womb. They have every intention of seeding Britain with as many Muslim women as possible, and impregnating them several fold. Within 2 decades, those children will do the same, and create pockets of Muslim faith, entitling them to a place of worship and the claim of the territory, as more Muslims live there than Brits. They will slowly but surely take over every part of Britain and make it their own, if we don't fight back and say if you're wanting to move here, you take on our laws. I'll say no more, till 10 years from now. Then you can buy me a pint and tell me I was right. Lets see... Lets just see.
    1 point
  8. Said goodbye today to a Gentleman, Legend and above all a Friend of more than fifty years,.....here are some of my more recent memories Ian.
    1 point
  9. Today,one and a half years since my near fatal car crash,and never having been on my new bike,which I bought from Ian Bell [just weeks before my crash],I had my first ride-out.Little did I dream that my first ride-out would be packed in between 500 other bikers,male and female,and following Ian's funeral cortege. I will never forget this day,till the day I die. Ian Bell was the most amiable,jovial,genuine fella that ever walked this planet.....a reet canny bloke who was well-respected,and is going to be missed for a long time by everybody who knew him. I am proud of all the people around the North-East,including Bedlington of course,who stood for more than an hour,[some would have been there a few hours],in pouring rain,to pay tribute to Ian,and show condolence and respect to his Family. Sitting waiting,in turn,to pull out on the road,to join the cortege,was one of the saddest,yet uplifting,days I have ever had. The noise of engines was deafening,and so loud that I couldn't hear my own little beast,which I daren't rev too hard as it is not run in,but I gave it some for Ian! For those who couldn't attend,the sound of applause,followed by the revving of engines,came down the street from Ian's shop,as his coffin came to rest for a minute,like an audio version of a Mexican wave at a football match....it was so emotional,that tears ran as hard as the rain....no kid,and no pussyfooting...fact! The turn-out reminded me of the days in the 1960's,when Bedlington street was lined with people who came for the annual Miners' Picnic,without the bands and the shows. I feel humbled,and privileged , to have been there today to see Ian,while still trying to take it in that we won't see him again. My heart goes out to Ian's Family. Rest in peace.Ian bell.
    1 point
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