Today,one and a half years since my near fatal car crash,and never having been on my new bike,which I bought from Ian Bell [just weeks before my crash],I had my first ride-out.Little did I dream that my first ride-out would be packed in between 500 other bikers,male and female,and following Ian's funeral cortege.
I will never forget this day,till the day I die.
Ian Bell was the most amiable,jovial,genuine fella that ever walked this planet.....a reet canny bloke who was well-respected,and is going to be missed for a long time by everybody who knew him.
I am proud of all the people around the North-East,including Bedlington of course,who stood for more than an hour,[some would have been there a few hours],in
pouring rain,to pay tribute to Ian,and show condolence and respect to his Family.
Sitting waiting,in turn,to pull out on the road,to join the cortege,was one of the saddest,yet uplifting,days I have ever had.
The noise of engines was deafening,and so loud that I couldn't hear my own little beast,which I daren't rev too hard as it is not run in,but I gave it some for Ian!
For those who couldn't attend,the sound of applause,followed by the revving of engines,came down the street from Ian's shop,as his coffin came to rest for a minute,like an audio version of a Mexican wave at a football was so emotional,that tears ran as hard as the kid,and no pussyfooting...fact!
The turn-out reminded me of the days in the 1960's,when Bedlington street was lined with people who came for the annual Miners' Picnic,without the bands and the shows.
I feel humbled,and privileged , to have been there today to see Ian,while still trying to take it in that we won't see him again.
My heart goes out to Ian's Family.
Rest in peace.Ian bell.