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  1. How much can it cost to keep a lavy open, they don't have piped music or white jacketed attendants to hold your jacket or spray you with cologne and offer you a fresh towel in fact your lucky if they have any toilet paper. A lick over with a mop and a dollop of jeyes fluid the cost is a drop in the ocean when you see what is been blown on other fanciful plans costing millions.
    3 points
  2. It's a data collection tower for use by NAREC the offshore wind agency. As well as anemometry it collects other data.
    3 points
  3. Three in Morpeth Malcolm, all seem to very nice with music playing one even has pictures hanging on the walls, and they have attendants (not white jacketed ones spraying you with cologne) I believe the main street in Ashington also has a lavy , no surprise in that they have everything else . Blyth also has two that I can think of again with attendants. And Cramlington also has very nice public toilets. Anyone who attended last weeks fair must have been peed off, literally. I know some of the publicans were by folk using the toilets and not buying nowt. I suppose its typical for Bedlington, we aint got as much as a pot ta p - - s in . .
    1 point
  4. Funny you should mention that. When I was in Sicily earlier this year I saw a group of nuns splahing about in the sea, fully clothed. They appeared to be having the time of their life, laughing and shrieking like children. ... and we all share the same world which is even more important. ... used to? Now you've just spoiled my picture of you!
    1 point
  5. I was refused the use of the Library toilets four weeks ago, The Librarian told me they weren't for public use but I should be able to use the Health Centres Loo if they were open.
    1 point
  6. Very informative post. Thankyou. So Northumberland County Council which is based in Morpeth and supposedly moving to Ashington at some point both have fully maintained public conveniences. The one in Morpeth car park over the bridge hasn't long been refurbished. My point being that Bedlington is always at the bottom of their priority list. Surely even the rentable Portacabin style ( not portaloo thunderboxes) be a start until they decide what to do with the old ones.
    1 point
  7. First of all public toilets are a casualty of NCC cost cutting. Its NCC who haver responsibility over public loos throughout the county. Now having said that the Town Council have asked about the one opposite the library with a view to taking it over and getting it reopened. There are major problems with tree root damage which NCC wouldn't justify spending the money on and if they couldn't the Town Council would be facing a huge extra bill. As it is the Library is open for the public to use their toilets and are now being paid to do so.......... Next ones down in the old Tesco car park..........see picture thanks to Foxy. These are now within the Arch development site or should that be were! Lastly the ones down in Attlee Park, the Town Council are seeing about getting them reopened but only if its cost effective. Now I appreciate all the comments but all of the above information was and is available through the Town Council and everyone can go to the monthly meeting. Failing that all the minutes and agendas as published on the web site...... http://www.westbedlington.org.uk
    1 point
  8. I don't think think they would appreciate me dropping in on a Monday morning after a weekends worth of beer and an Indian curry to offload . Jokes aside though, this is a problem that needs addressed with supposedly more shops opening. You never know when you might unexpectedly need to use these facilities when you are out and about. But if you were to be so desperate as to relive yourself behind a wall you would be fined for urinating in public. Instead money wasted on new Street lighting in the housing estates which is dimmer than before and makes you feel more unsafe walking your dog late at night.
    1 point
  9. Cameron gave special advisers pay rises of 24% when most of public sector got just 1% ...and on it goes. The more you look into Cameron, his background, and what he got up to, the more you realise what a self-serving lying turd we elected as a PM. It's almost as if we learned nothing from the Blair years. Perhaps this is part of why May is so keen that we should believe that she means what she says, and will actually get on with what she has promised. A long overdue overhaul of the honours system, and a total clean out the House of Lords can't be too big an ask - can it?
    1 point
  10. ooo ad hominem -- not heard that for a while - it brought back memories of oxford and camels in tents (no that wasn't an initiation thing!) canny lass you need to read Private Eye' excellent cartoon in todays edition of the thought police tackling a woman for wearing a burkini until she explains she is a Carmelite nun! .... ahem - attitudes and press agitation come to mind - after all the nuns have been garbed like that since the days of Cadfael and no-one objected. <-- haven't got a nobbly prize either but a few mates are FRS lol which I think is one below. (he did ok with that dynamite invention!!!) I used to have long hair and long beard and I was asked by a quite concerned Muslim if it was for religious reasons as he was worried I was some sort of radical. knowing some of the Muslim community for many years they have been worried for a long time about the disenfranchisement of their children. I recall going to a party in a shebeen in Deptford with a Rasta friend, many years ago, and I was a bit concerned as I would be the only 'white face' there. he said "It's ok, they hate everybody" time we accepted the fact we all share the same basic DNA strands and get on with life, after all whats a bit of melanin atween friends?? there are much more nasty and dangerous human traits than colour or background! I was told in Belfast in the 80's that hate -is not a basic human instinct and it has to be taught. maybe a lesson for us all. (er sorry that was a rambling rant - ill take the medication now)
    1 point
  11. do they have letterboxes??
    1 point
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