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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/09/16 in all areas

  1. Ah, well, I got it wrong (but that was 3.30 in the morning!): New South Row was parallel to the main rows and not at right angles; that one was (quite logically) Cross Row. Got the vicinity right though. So - after many decades - at last an explanation of why New South Row was called "New". But still a mystery as to why it was labelled "South" when it was in fact North of North Terrace. It seems that North Terrace was built long after the rest though, so perhaps not so illogical at the time NSR was named. And, if it was built before the two major rows shown on the 1898 map were even planned, everything would then be explained: it would have been the most southern row at that point in time.
    1 point
  2. Searching for info on the Barrington Double Row I noticed this old posting on 'Double Row - Bedlington'. Double Row, Bedlington never appears on any of the old maps that search - http://maps.nls.uk/ New South Row first appears on the 1921 map and the only reason I could guess at the names is because South Row already existed at the 'A' pit, Bedlington Station. South Row, although not named until the 1921 map, is drawn on the 1858 & 1896 maps. Was there a Double Row at the Doctor Pit ?
    1 point
  3. Hi Pauline! I didn't know Daniel Mclean,but wonder if an old real canny fella called Jackie Mclean,was any relation,he was a Deputy at Bedlington A pit,when I started there from Choppington pit in 1965,and he was an old-timer then,maybe in his 60's,which was old when I was only 21 yrs old![young now that I am in my 70's!] His Daughter,Nancy,was a lovely P.E. teacher [very young then],at Westridge School in 1956 when it opened as a brand new school. Might be of some help in some way!..[even by elimination!] Best of luck in your search!
    1 point
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