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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/16 in all areas

  1. merry Christmas to all my friends on The forum and have a great New Year
    1 point
  2. Heh heh! Pilgrim,me oldest sister lives in the bungalows at Woodside,be strange,and not the first time,if an old pit marra lived next door to her! One of the Bates pit lads looked after her for a long time,as a good neighbour,and noo one of the lads from Bedlington A pit,[the "Auld pit"],looks to her in times of need..!! A wud luv ti catch up wi Jackie again,after 50 years oot of touch! A recently bumped into a "stranger",aroond Woodhorn lake,got taaking,wi wor dogs,etc,as ye dae like,recognised summick aboot him,[he's eyes!],then realised he was an aad [young] fitter from Bedlington auld pit,last saw him in 1971 when the pit closed! Caught up aboot thi aad days as quick as a flash! That's pitmen!!
    1 point
  3. A video to calm the nerves of your fellow travellers as you queue for ages at the inevitable security check.
    1 point
  4. The fact that she got away with unarguable massive fraud has to show even the naive who voted Remain exactly how the Euro-elite system actually works. 5000 of them in France alone, and they heavily intermarry to keep the gravy train on the rails for generations to come. The membership queue includes most of our MPs, and particularly the Blairite Labour ones. The Brexit vote was a disaster to these people, but Blair is plotting behind the scenes to undermine it.
    1 point
  5. The residents group is still going strong. We have just had our 4th xmas party for the kids on Saturday and as usual they thoroughly enjoyed it. Because of the major renovations going on over the last couple of years ,hindered by the original builders going bust we've had to put a few things on hold. We've had financial help and support from, Bernicia, EBPC,Police and Crime commissioners Fund and Northumberland Police. We raise money mainly via a weekly bonus ball draw. We are looking to raise funds by other means from next year. A trip is being planned to South Lakes Zoo Park in late Spring / Early summer 2017. Hopefully we can do something for the older residents and get them away in the summer as well. Our bank account is in a healthy state as well. Maybe we should take up the offer of help to create a website (above GGG) if it is still available . We've managed with a facebook page up till now
    1 point
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