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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/17 in all areas

  1. Each week I'll be leaving tips in this topic for lesser-known features on Bedlington.co.uk to help you get the most from the site. #1 Mentions If you want to alert another member to something you have written it's as easy as typing @ followed by the members username. As you type the list of available options will reduce and get more relevant. When this is added the member will receive a notification that you mentioned them in a post and send them a link to it. The link in the post will also link to the member profile page.
    4 points
  2. OK ... that promised website is up and running here: http://www.westridgeschool.com If anybody has some other photos that I could use on the siteplease let me know.
    3 points
  3. Exactly so Merc..........I've written them and they are on agenda for Thursday night's meeting! Might need someone to go over them......
    1 point
  4. Hey Eggy,and Andy,because of the fact that I was led to believe that Flickr is just about dead,and not many folk even know about it,[from personal experience when I am out and about cracking on wi folks!],I had thought,if it was possible,to move everything to this site,where we are all in tune!! Maybe a full album,dedicated so that it would be easy to locate by mining-interested members. As far as titling goes,maybe...."High Pit Wilma's Bates' Pit Album",including a full credit to Russel Hogg for enabling me to capture the Pit Surface photo's,without whom it would never have happened. I wouldn't want you to exhaust yourself if this was going to take an excessive amount of your time!! I was just thinking that whenever questions crop up about mining,it would be a handy reference album! I have no idea about the in's and oot's of doing all this,and what's involved,so I am very grateful for your interest and assistance! I am thinking the Flickr ones would remain there just the same and you could copy them,is that correct? Thanks a million, Guys!! P.S. when I took these pics,I also went all around the screening plant,the blending plant and even into the Winding engine house,which wound the cages...then got home to discover I had lost the full roll of 36 exposures on a 35mm film,somewhere around the premises.....SOMEBODY ,somewhere,is bound to have had that film and developed it!!! ...if only I had been more careful!
    1 point
  5. Excellent love the new Gateway Features
    1 point
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