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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/17 in all areas

  1. Can anyone explain to me the logic behind the design of the roundabouts such as the one by the police station on Schalksmuhle Rd, and particularly the new installation at the entrance to the new estate being build on the way out to Nedderton? They are clearly meant to have a single lane but the surface of the roundabout is wide enough for two, with the inner park block paved but flat to the road, and the outer part tarmac. Is the inner part for decoration or for traffic use? I genuinely don't know what bit I'm supposed to drive on outside the police station. My observation so far is that its roughly 50/50 on the latest roundabout despite the white lines which presumably indicate that you should keep off the block paving. If you aren't meant to go over the middle surely it should be built up - as it stands it will end up with the middle part sinking unevenly into ruts as traffic goes over it and it will look awful in a few years like the one near Woodhorn off the end of the spine road. Just one of the many ridiculous roundabout designs cropping up in Northumberland in the last few years (such as the one on the new estate between Laverock Farm and Blyth South Beach).
    1 point
  2. Eggy!!!....you sod!!....they used tactics like that document to torture prisoners in days gone by!!! I now think I better stay off the road,after reading a page and a haaf,cos noo aa daein't knaa one bliiddy roondie from anitha!! FIFTY ONE PAGES!!!.....heh heh!!!!!!
    1 point
  3. Hi Pilgrim,thanks for that info,a knew aboot the opencast,but nivvor hord owt aboot thi artifacts found there!! A can mind the notice aboot thi old mine shafts in Hartford woods. There's an old mine addit alang the Free wood on the Blyth side "top path",and the rails were still visible amang the tree roots and overgrowth. We kids used to poke lang sticks inti the orange waata wat was lying aal aroond the entrance ti thi drift...pure orange it was....Ferric Oxide?[from the Iron-stone strata]....wud it have been from the old ironworks mining the ironstone maybe....or older? The waata at Choppington High Pit was very high in iron content similar to that in the woods.
    1 point
  4. Whey a aalwis seem ti be thi last....but nivvor mind!....Happy belated boithdi Foxy.....hope yi hae menny mair.....!! [Mr Marley wud tear me tung oot if he hord me taakin noo!] Danny's favourite was the red square and his sandshoe owa ya buttocks!
    1 point
  5. We were told at the Bedlington Forum meeting on Monday night that due to "cuts" the CSOs shift pattern had been changed. Instead of patrols by them continuing until 1am they now cease at 10pm........ just what the burglar ordered!
    1 point
  6. The police still patrol - I've seen them a couple of times. I imagine that this kind of vandalism will subside as soon as the residents of Baedling Manor start settling in. The residents will start lobbying to shut what little restaurants, pubs and bars remain on Front Street due to the noise and put the final nail in the coffin for the street - until at least the new planned development goes ahead. This kind of tactic is seen throughout small towns and cities up and down the country. How Baedling Manor on Front Street was seen as a great idea is beyond me. Such a wonderful building could have been used to boost and modernise local trade, instead they've placed a health and care home slap bang in the middle of the high street. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out..
    1 point
  7. No, Danny's not to blame. I think he was reserved for those who needed a good whallop with the cricket bat now and then. We had Miss Wilkinson. Actually, we meant vintage in the nicest possible way - more like a good wine, mature with full and rounded body.
    1 point
  8. Well Foxy you have reached that certain age ! Congratulations and have a very Happy Birthday. A 'Good Age' you could say !
    1 point
  9. I think 'vintage' is the word your looking for Maggie.
    0 points
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