Well!!Exactly one month since my rant over acts of vandalism...and it seems to have killed the thread!
But it hasn't killed the vandalism.....another seat burned to a large pile of ashes up the Black Path,from the Furnace Bank car park.
The seats down by the river went a year or two ago,the one adjacent to the car park was attempted to be burned down a while ago,but is still there ....unsightly....being charred black at each end of the seat,next to the Longridge information board.....the one just up the path,about 50 yards....just a heap of charred pieces amongst the pile of ash and rubbish....[a while ago],and in the last three or four weeks,the next one up the path..just fine ash and the metal holding brackets left![oh!....and, of course,the obligatory Vodka bottle and beer cans.....empty of course......they carry them there full...and are too lazy to carry them home or put them in the bin!]
Bins!!!!....the Council no sooner put bins everywhere for public use,and within a week,the one at the Red Row junction,was literally riped off and vanished,leaving the pole and twisted metal brackets.
Most every other one I come across,seems to be twisted around as if the intention was to rip them off and been a failure....maybe by kids too weak to carry out their bit of fun....
I took pics with the intention of posting them here and on the County Council site,but haven't been able to do that as yet.
When will it end?
Rich,you want to hope that you die young and quick,and never have the need to grow old and infirm,with the need also for permanent care.....in a Care Home for the Elderly.
Maybe you have a genuine sentiment for seeing Bedlington thrive.....but it sure as hell doesn't sound like it to me!!
The very people being cared for,like Matty Hall,who EVERYBODY in Bedlington knew,is in such a home,and it was People like Matty who helped create the Community of Bedlington as we knew it and grew up here.
Now tell me....what have you contributed to Bedlington?
Rant over for another month!
Back ti me aad sel' agyen!!