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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/05/18 in all areas

  1. I've cleaned up a few personal comments in this topic. Please keep the discussion on topic. Differing opinions are expected but let's please try and keep things civil.
    3 points
  2. Those sites that TRY to prevent you highlighting and right clicking to abstract text can be very annoying. That's particularly so if all you are trying to copy is your own text. Unfortunately the message hasn't got through to webmasters that nothing whatsoever can prevent web pages being copied or saved, because that's totally antithetical to the nature of the web. All this kind of nonsense does is inconvenience and annoy honest people who visit your site. One particular shopping site has been bugging me for years, so a while back I added a link to the browser settings page to turn off javascript whilst I did the copy. The problem with this is that their javascript heavy site then becomes almost unusable. This irked me so much that I just looked at alternatives that don't involve tediously looking through the page source code for my own text. Well... actually... it turns out ultra-simple to bypass the javascript which prevents highlighting and then copy. I'm using Chrome but the same must be true of practically all browsers: simply CTRL+P for print page, and select the text you want to copy from the print preview. Simples, and ya boo to you a?????????.com!
    2 points
  3. Champion - then once Bletchley Park sorts it out for you and you have understood it, you might be able to reply and explain your comments. I'm singing and dancing in the rain Doobe Do Do, Doobe Doobe Do Do, what a glorious feeling I'm happy again, just singing and dancing, in the rain, Doobe Do Do, Doobe Doobe Do Do
    2 points
  4. Bletchley Park reports Colossus has blann a fuse trying ta work it oot and are passing it ont the Enigma Research Section
    1 point
  5. Once again, you miss my point entirely. Heritage is important to a lot of people, as is history. Once more, have you been to Woodhorn, the pit museum? It's seen more than a million people visit since it opened. That's not bad for something that people are not interested in. Now you, and to a point myself, may be glad to see the back of the horrible conditions and such that you mention, but others who have no experience of it may well - well, are, as 1million people are testament to - be interested. Why is illustrating and promoting the importance of Bedlington in the railways so alien to you? What harm is it going to do? what is the problem with letting people know about the once-world leading ironworks that existed there at one time? What harm will it do anyone? It hasn't done Woodhorn any! Ehat about teh flight of the monks and St Cuthbert, and his alleged resting at the Church? Other places make something of history. The upshot is - which you've also missed - if you create something that brings people in, it creates the footfall needed to encourage other retailers. It is time to look forward, and resurrecting the heritage of the town is a great place to start. I'm disappointed you can't see it, as I find it very interesting indeed.
    1 point
  6. Wound up I am not. Repeating myself = I extracted one phrase I had used and the rest were yours and one from Webtrekker. I simply read all of your points, couldn't understand them, and rather than make wild assumptions asked for an explanation from the source ☺️. But rather than explain yourself you trying and make out that it is me that talks 'fluent wally' and your objective is not to say anything constructive but just an attempt to wind people up. I remain unwound and wait for you to explain the points I put to you but if that is too much to ask then end of discussion
    1 point
  7. You know 3g, sometimes you can be really nice. Knowledge shared is a wonderful thing. Thank you.
    1 point
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