I didn’t think house prices in Bedlington were so very different to Blyth, Ashington or Cramlington so I had a quick look at Zoopla this morning. In the past year prices have risen in Bedlington by 3.96%. That’s a good bit better than Ashington prices which have shot up by 5.53%. On the other hand, prices in Cramlington and Blyth have gone downmarginally by 0.48% and 0,63%.
That still leaves actual house prices with only marginal differences. The average prices paid during the past year for houses are:
Bedlington – £134,942
Cramlington - £140,291
Blyth - £129,558
Ashington - £115,231
Of course, they are not all new-builds. But first time house buyers, if they have any sense, usually cut their coat according to their cloth and work their way up from an anorak to a mink.
Looking only at properties on sale in Bedlington this year I can see several that are well below market value:
Queens Road - £62,000
Stirling Drive £47,500
Millbank Crescent £50,000
Stead Lane £90,000
Roslin Park £82.500
And for those with a higher income:
The Wynding £148,000
Octavia Close £150,000
Bonchester Close £127,000