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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/01/19 in all areas

  1. Because every development hits snags, that's life and with the increasing online shopping, that a lot of us do, high street shopping centers are risky businesses. Developers will always have retailers changing their minds and after better deals - .
    1 point
  2. Hi Tracey, I'm so sorry to hear this. What a lovely thing to do with the memorial garden. @Malcolm Robinson should be able to give you more info on the benches.
    1 point
  3. Thank you! It was a bit different this year. 31 years ago I was fooled into a hard morning's work clearing snow, followed by a sauna, followed by a roll in the snow, followed by a brown, foul-smelling and foul-tasting drink served in a small glass. It was revolting - but it didn't half put a glow inside my chest. I was lead to believe that this was normal and customary practice on birthdays celebrated during the winter. Talk about being naive and gullible - It was six years later when I learned they were taking the mickey! By that time, having recovered from the shock of the first experience, I'd started to enjoy the procedure (and even the drink - the sacrifices one makes) and ever since then I've thrown myself voluntarily into the snow with gay abandon every January 13th with the exception of one snow free year when I threw myself into a lake (3 degrees centigrade). Never again! Snow, believe it or not, is warmer! This year we are again without snow so I had to make do with the sauna and the drink (well - it might have been two) following which I spent a quiet and relaxing day doing basically nothing. I've had a hectic month with an extremely ill OH so doing nothing was absolutely wonderful!! OH is making a remarkable recovery so we'll make up for lost time when he's properly on his feet again. Thanks again for your kind birthday wishes.
    1 point
  4. As memtioned before, if you are looking for information about your relatives who may have served in the 1914-1918 War you might find their story on this website along with other information about the War Memorials in the area. I have attached two stories to show what is available on this website. While researching these soldiers we find not may photographs are available. If anyone reading this has photos of WW1 soldiers in uniform with information such as name, service number and regiment we would like to add them to this site. 1. Rogers, George Thomas.docx 1. Orange, Snowden Foggan.docx
    1 point
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