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  1. Hi Vic We’re keeping in touch over skype/FaceTime/zoom/whatever is in fashion on any given day. There was an online Ceilidh organised by my fiancées friends and last Friday we had a group quiz night. We’re coping well so far but I miss having a garden. Both the domestic and beer types.
    2 points
  2. Hi Vic, I'm catching up on the D I Y duties around the house/garden although I'm having problems getting bits and pieces because most of the builders merchants will only supply the trade. My other pastimes are watching the missus hard at work , I could sit there for hours on end. 😃 We have no snow to clear here so during her allotted break we have a game of darts,...she's now beat me three nights running !🥵 On the plus side I'd just bought a new car before the current restrictions, It's doing three weeks to the gallon.
    2 points
  3. So what is everyone finding to do during this unwanted winter break? CL has given some insight to what she is finding to do, the rules vary from place to place and we all have to follow them, our latest rules have just come into play and now I can't visit Dot, but I'm hoping to set up FaceTime, that will help pass some time. Much of my time is still spent moving snow still, but I'm getting to work on my old vehicles, and inside trying some wood carving. Cooking and baking is still low priority, but is improving. Another fun project I'm doing is colourizing old family photos, what a difference, brings life to them. Hope you are all keeping safe, (and out of trouble!) Vic
    1 point
  4. It would be nice to hear from a few others how you're all getting along in these strange times. Italy, I understand is very hard hit. How's things with you 3g and Ex Bedlingtonian? Bryan, how are you coping way down under? And Eggy are you able to get out of bed yet? HPW, aa hevn't hord nowt from ye for ages. Hoo ye deein? Generally speaking how is the Bedlington/Northumberland area for cases of COVID-19? We are informed of the numbers country by country but a bit more local info would be appreciated. Also, sorry to hear your visits to Dot have been put on hold, Vic but it's for the best. Better to be apart for a short while rather than forever.
    1 point
  5. Online Ceilidh sounds interesting! Wednesday evening is online choir night here, rock & pop - there are many strings to my fiddle! It's a bit surrealistic with a 7000 strong choir all singing at home alone. It's a full choir practice with a physical warm upp to get the adrenalin going then breathing and abdominal exercises followed by singing and rehearsing for the show we will have in the capital city sometime later in the year - virus permitting, of course. It'll be a bit different from the twice a year concert in the school hall or the occasional flash mob in the shopping centre.with a choir of forty but necessity is the mother of invention so they say. Otherwise, I'm still keeping out of mischief. Polished the wheely bin today and polishing off a bottle of wine as I write (comiserating celebrating 31 years of marriage).
    1 point
  6. The corona virus (Covid 19) Is a novel zoonotic virus - Presently that means no one knows what it can or can't do, in respect of lethality. The Gov.UK is far too SUPERFICIAL by far in this case. The 1918 H1N1 Should be more of a REMINDER FOR EVERYONE CONCERNED (Spanish Flu). - WEB PAGE OF Gov.UK SHOULD HAVE BUT DIDN'T POST IN THIS SPACE - Give people the full & correct information. That what the UK.Gov - Daily Coronavirus Misinformation UD's - Most of the UK Population bought the ''Chocolate-Brexit-Teapot'' They don't need a kettle from the same BADJ to find out they are of no use. There's no known cure for Novel Covid 19 & it continues to mutate!!! Sunday, 2020-April-05 8:20 AM () The NOVEL corona virus - Covid 19 an Gov.UK.doc I felt so aghast at the lack of information on the Gov.UK site, I posted the above message. Spuggy!!! PS. Yes I do have knowledge of Zoonosis & Zoonotic Virus disease. Das Bundes-Seuchengesetz vom 18. Juli 1961 war ein Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung übertragbarer Krankheiten beim Menschen. ''The Federal Epidemics & Pandemics Law of 18th July 1961 to Prevent & Contain the Spread of Contagious Disease in Humans'' This was included in the Master Studies i sat in Berlin in the 1980's - & I still have vivid memories of what could or can even be possible. Zweck des Gesetzes ist es, übertragbaren Krankheiten vorzubeugen, Infektionen frühzeitig zu erkennen und ihre Weiterverbreitung zu verhindern (§ 1 Abs. 1 IfSG). Dabei ist unerheblich, welcher Art die Infektion ist und auf welchem Wege die Infektion erfolgen kann. Vorgängerregelung war das Reichsseuchengesetz aus den Jahr 1900. Das BSeuchG wurde am 1. Januar 2001 durch das Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz) abgelöst, nachdem das gesamte, im Wesentlichen aus den 1950er und 1960er Jahren stammende Seuchenrecht umfassend novelliert werden sollte. 2001 January 01st. updated & now covered by Das deutsche Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) My humble advice, mask your mouth & nose, it doesn't hurt & it does more to prevent the spread, than by having no cover. There are so many modern scarfs available, or dig out 'Dad's Balaclava'! If you have Champagne in the cellar, drink it. . . This is not a joke!!! I think my last Post was a joke on me ''Corbyn will Prevail'' He had the chance to bring the country (as is) together! Until the Labour Party Conference in Brighton (That was) & a more than obvious show of hands vote stitch up, a piece of advice Mr. JC-Trotzy, beware of 'Eispickel' I'll try to elucidate & Breakdown on the 'Chocolate-Brexit-Teapot' That has divided the country & families for good, it was never necessary, as you will surely find out with the chocolate kettle, in the prevailing not too distant future. Britannia Unchained: Global Lessons for Growth and Prosperity! A political book written by several British Conservative Party MPs and released on 13 September 2012. Its authors present a treatise, arguing that Britain should adopt a different and radical approach to business and economics or risk "an inevitable slide into mediocrity". They call (DISGUISE) & hide themselves as the FRG & ERG subsidised by your Tax money. What is the ERG & which Tory MPs are members of Boris Johnson's Brexit Parliament? Also find out about 'Perfidious Albion'' on ''SPEED''?
    1 point
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