Answers to last week's quiz:
1. Never Say Never Again
2. Pebble dash (or rough cast)
3. Susan Brown
4. India
5. A bat
6. Christmas rose
7. Beaver
8. Kamikaze
9. Benjamin
10. Tau
11. Holland
12. Epsom Salts
New quiz tomorrow!
Oh I like that, all of it!
That would be great.
I haven't asked yet but I think Woodhorn Museum would like them, especially if we can put names to them. I just don't want them lost forever, its great history to save.
High Pit Wilma and I were good mates, worked together as well at the High Pit.
appreciate your help.
I remember the first time I bit into a mince pie at xmas. I blame the person who offered me one, can't remember who it was, but I thought I was being offered a minced beef pie. Can't remember anyone calling them sweet mince pies