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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/20 in all areas

  1. 1. Which former pop-star owned the company that made The Life of Brian and had a one line part in a crowd scene? Answer = 2. What can be upside down, ginger or Dundee? Answer = 3. Which country hosted the summer Olympics in 1932? Answer = 4. What occupation is involved with stretchers and headers? Answer = 5. On which river does Amsterdam stand? Answer = 6. What is the millionth of a metre called? Answer = 7. Who is the prime minister of France? Answer = 8. What sort of drink is pekoe? Answer = 9. Who had a pet chimp called Chee Chee? Answer = 10. Which Bridge on the River Thames has a central portion that can be raised to allow ships into London? Answer = 11. Which sports commentator talked of an ‘up and under’ and an ‘early bath’? Answer = 12. What is a dirndl? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The first advert on Radio Luxembourg was for a laxative. Answer = I didn’t. I wonder if the same laxative advert was broadcast on radio Caroline?
    3 points
  2. I think that's correct. Bank Cottage seems to have a long history. I think its location is shown better on this map from 1860: It can be easily seen that the building matches the photo, standing at right angles to the road and the terraced houses beyond it. I don't know much about it but I can see from the 1911 census that it was small as it then housed two families - one in 3 rooms and the other in 2 rooms.
    1 point
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