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  1. Fair point, Vic! The 'country' was, as you say, USA. The city was Los Angeles. Bonus point awarded.
    1 point
  2. With Christmas fast approaching your thoughts may already be turning to what to buy for the young lady in your life. Shopping can be a nightmare, especially if you are thinking of buying clothing of a ‘more personal nature’. Here’s some handy information on bras which may be of help: Bras come in 4 types: Catholic – supports the masses Salvation Army – lifts the fallen Presbyterian – keeps them staunch and upright Baptist – makes mountains out of molehills Then there’s the lettering system for the cup size! But, we women have a simple way of remembering it: A – Almost boobs B – Barely there C –Can’t complain D –Dang! DD – Double dang! E – Enormous F – Fake G – Get a reduction for Heaven’s sake! H – Help me; I’m falling over (sometimes simply labeled as ‘The over-shoulder, boulder holder) Happy shopping
    1 point
  3. Answers to last week's quiz: 1. George Harrison 2. Cake 3. Los Angeles 4. Bricklayer 5. Amstel 6. Micron 7. Jean Castex 8. Tea 9. Dr Doolittle 10. Tower Bridge 11. Eddie Waring 12. A dress New quiz tomorrow!
    1 point
  4. As me father would say "Am bliddy sick ov it". Hope you're all alright up that way. Wait it out, that's all we can do.
    1 point
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