I wasn’t implying in any way that you were having a go at local councillors and I apologize if it came across in that way. I also believe that the council members who post here are doing their best in the role of councillor – as well as balancing it with their day jobs and caring for their families. That’s one role more than most of us have, and a big role at that.
I’m not sure, however, that “shaming” anybody or any body (such as the local council) into action is the best way to go about achieving results. Surely sensible discourse is the answer and it seems to me that that the two councillors in question do a good job on that front.
By transparency, I meant letting people know the lie of the land. I was, of course, speaking for myself, an ex-pat, for whom any information is much valued. I don’t believe it is part of any councillor’s job description to give up their own free time to update people on social media, yet here we have not one, but two who do just that. And, it is worth mentioning here, the role of the councilor is without salary.
You say, @_pauls, that there is very rarely any response to comments on their posts and that you would welcome debate. I believe that some meetings are open to the public. I know that at least one of these councillors holds regular surgeries in his constituency. Why not pop along and join the debate there? Malcolm and Russ seem to do a pretty good job, over and above what is required of them, with regard to providing transparency and keeping us up to date.