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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/04/21 in all areas

  1. 1. Of which instrument was the sackbut a forerunner? Answer = 2. Which Riviera fishing village was an independent republic from the 15th to the 17th century? Answer = 3. What are young grouse or partridge called? Answer = Cheeper 4. Who invented the steam turbine in 1884? Answer = Charles Parsons 5. What is your philtrum? Answer = 6. Arch, whorl and loops are all part of what? Answer = 7. Which fruit was discovered by Christopher Columbus in Guadeloupe in 1493? Answer = 8. Which spice is made from the outer covering of the nutmeg? Answer = Mace 9. What did goalkeeper Gordon Banks reputedly put on his hands to improve his grip? Answer = 10. What are auctioned at Tattersalls? Answer = 11. What record was a chart-topping hit for Showaddywaddy in 1975? Answer =Three Steps To Heaven 12. What is the smallest independent state in the world? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Flamingos can only eat with their heads held upside down. Answer = I did, David Attenborouh told me
    1 point
  2. You're welcome, Heather. It filled a few hours of a grey, rainy day for one confined to barracks waiting for the Covid vaccination to come my way. The Trotter's do seem to be an interesting family and I'm posting the entry from Burkes Family Records, compiled in 1897, where you (and anybody else interested in the family) can see the development from Robert, the father of the three Dr Trotter(s). It's Robert who is the subject of the main entry and as spouse names and children's names are entered there are lots of ways forward for research. Burkes records the geneology of the junior houses of British nobility so Robert wasn't just your ordinary, every-day kind of guy and as you can see (bottom of page) the family had its own coat of arms.
    1 point
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