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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/04/21 in all areas

  1. A post about the Bedlington Memorial on the Front Street at Bedlington was posted on the Bygone Bedlington site recently. The North East War Memorial Project (NEWMP) web site has compiled short stories of the soldiers listed on that Memorial however, several soldiers have not yet been identified, these are W Burns, G Crozier, R Hunter, E Martin, A Mitchison, R Peebles, G Peebles, W Sanderson and J Gilby (Gilroy). If anyone has information about these brave soldiers can you please make contact so the NEWMP can complete the stories for this Memorial. Thanks for any help you can provide.
    1 point
  2. I have been helping the North East War Memorial Project providing research and stories of Soldiers who died in the Great War. The names I listed are the ones I can not positively identify. Unfortunately, we only have an initial to work with which adds to the difficulty. I have tried all the the usual sources. I was aware of the Poppy Map which was a great initiative, but not sure if they have any detail behind the names. I was hoping a family might recognise some of the names.
    1 point
  3. 1. Which Japanese word (English spelling please) translates as ‘Empty Orchestra’?karaoke 2. Who could only play one tune – Over The Hills And Far Away?Tom, the Piper's Son 3. Off which group of islands would you find Bishop Rock lighthouse?Isles of Scilly 4. Which English monarch had a horse called White Surrey?King Richard III 5. Who missed the last penalty in the 1994 football World Cup?Roberto Baggio 6. What are the three ingredients of a Harvey Wallbanger cocktail?Vodka, Galliano and orange juice. 7. Which British architect designed the Cenotaph?Sir Edwin Lutyens 8. How many months have twenty eight days? 12 9. The Star of Africa is what type of gem?Diamond 10. Apart from Newcastle United which other team is nicknamed The Magpies?The Collingwood Football Club Brian will know this one. 11. What sort of creature is a Hairstreak?Butterfly 12. What is the name and profession of the hedgehog character created by Beatrix Potter?Washerwoman
    1 point
  4. Once the trees get to a height where they can fall onto the cables, should they be blown down in a storm, it's better to remove them. Large areas of Bedlington could be cut off if that were to happen. It's unsightly, I know, but believe me it's necessary. The cleared area will soon be filled with wild flowers planted by birds. You can help them out in their planting work by throwing out seeds collected from wild flowers when they themselves go to seed. Dumping your garden waste there also helps if it's allowed in the area. I've found that Coltsfoot, Cowslips, Milkweed and Rosebay Willow herb do particularly well in these areas. Experiment with others. You'll also be helping to save wild bees who's extinction will soon be a fact if we don't do something about it. Think of the effect that loss will have on food production.
    1 point
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