You are quite right Eggy. I've had a wander around the first three buildings on Front Street West End between 1861 and 1921 and the Travellers Rest is always the second house. The first is always a Grocer's shop owned by various people up until Robert Beadnell in 1921 and the Beadnell family still had it in the early sixties.
In 1871 the second building is named the Travellers Rest (Beer House) but the occupier is an engineer. However, a side-line in beer-making, and selling thereof, wasn't uncommon. Guess who is running the Travellers Rest , 10 years later in 1881? Henry Kidd and his wife Phyllis!
Next door is Robert Kidd running his drapery business and next door to hm is another Kidd, Thomas - a saddle maker. They must be related.
Henry dies before the next census in 1891 but his wife continues to run the Beer House. Robert's drapery business has diversified to include dealing in musical instruments and Thomas is still working with leather goods.
By 1901 the Travellers Rest isn't mentioned anymore but something interesting crops up. Next door to Robert's business is a hairdresser (male). Did you notice the barber's pole in the painting? It looks like the beer house is now part of Robert's house.