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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. The dot or star to the left of topic titles also takes you right to your first unread post.
  2. Which browser are you using so I can test this? Regarding losing content; In the past if you typed a message and then your computer crashed or you had finished typing out a reply and there was a connection issue after you hit submit, then you would lose the post. This version of the software saves your post locally in your browser every few seconds and the content will remain. You should therefore never have to start from scratch unless you're using a really old browser. You can even log out, restart your computer mid way through posting, come back a week later and your draft reply will still be waiting for you.
  3. until
    Open Day at the Light Well-Being Centre: introducing the Vegetarian Cafe and HadaDuende Herbs. Join us in a day full activities; try some food in the brand new vegetarian cafe, visit the art exhibition "A moment in Nature", take part on the indoors herbal walk, enjoy the herbal tea tasting party and much more.
  4. There isn't unfortunately @Eggy1948, content can only be edited for 15 minutes after posting to avoid abuse. For example uploading an image/posting a new topic and allowing replies and then coming back later and altering the original content so the comments are now out of context. If you click the report button and request it is removed however it will alert the moderators who can remove it on your behalf. Normally you wouldn't want to do this however and the info regarding the picture would remain in the description/comments. Topics now support an edit history so we could enable editing indefinitely but I would be reluctant to do this when the gallery does not support it. If you want to message me the new image and send me a link to the image it should replace I can alter it for you.
  5. until
    Leonard Brown, Scottish Accordion Champion and a member of the very popular Happy Cats, is bringing his Ceilidh Band to Bedlington. They will be playing all the popular ceilidh dances which will suit both novices and advanced dancers alike, and Andy your caller, will walk you through each dance before it starts. Bring your own food for your table. Tickets are £10 and are available at the box office or online (small booking fee applies)
  6. until
    Come along to this exciting new Stix2/Woodware demo day with Michelle Johnson and learn how to decorate your very own shopping bags, organza jewellery bags, t-shirts, school bags, pencil cases etc. Learn lots of techniques using the new Stix2 with heat range of adhesives. Learn how to use the Woodware fabric ink pads, fabric pens with stamps and stencils, see how to make your own stamps using an existing Stix2 product and die cut the stix2 with heat range and finish with foil.Take home a whole range of ideas and techniques for the stix2 with heat with adhesive range, tips for colouring material! No need to book. We will have free tea and coffee for those who fancy popping in.
  7. until
    Clarty kids is designed for babies aged 4 months up to children aged 5. Clarty kids will run 1 Saturday per month within the Bank Top Hotel at Bedlington from 10:30-11:30am, we will kick of with an exciting tale from a selected children's story book and the theme of the Clarty play will be based around this, with water, bubbles, paint, spaghetti, jelly and much much more! Let your child explore their senses and burn off some energy! There will also be toys and an arts and crafts table to make crafts based on today's story book. What a way to spend a Saturday morning making messy memories with your little ones! Book today by emailing clartykidsne@gmail.com or calling 07880 352090 Don't worry.....you won't need to take your mucky pups home in a state, we have wash buckets with warm soapy water to give everyone a good scrub before leaving! *We recommend bringing a change of clothes, towel and swim nappy but not required! £4. £2 for each additional sibling.
  8. The new store on Schalksmuhle Road is going ahead. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/new-blyth-bedlington-lidl-stores-10740094
  9. Yes, some passwords have not converted correctly unfortunately so it may be necessary to use the forgotten password link to reset it even if you're changing it to the same one.
  10. There is no longer a members list as such. You can search for members using the search box in the top right and if you leave the form blank it'll show you everybody.
  11. As you have reached the heady heights of 500 posts, you can set your own title by editing your profile.
  12. I've removed everybody's shackles. Hard drives are cheap these days
  13. I think we've gotten to the bottom of Maggie's log in problem via email. This is by design. Replies you start are saved in draft form (locally on your computer if your browser supports it). Nothing is published or leaves your own computer until you click the submit button however.
  14. I guarantee you haven't Which browser are you using so I can provide instructions to properly clear out the autofill info. Please also email me the username and password you are trying to log in with.
  15. Do you see any error messages when you try to log in? I think what's happening is your browser has your old password stored and is filling out the form fields with the old info. If you clear the fields and type in your new username/password does it work? Which browser do you use so I can provide instructions on how to clear that autofill info? It will be internet explorer, firefox, chrome or safari most likely.
  16. ...or it could just be a digital sign http://www.ancodigital.co.uk/
  17. I wonder if this thread contributed to their recent decision to open a store here
  18. How many apply to Bedders? http://www.buzzfeed.com/alexfinnis/small-british-town
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