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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Great stuff. Going to have to do some work on the Calendar app for all these new events.
  2. no, all posts in northumberland chat are approved as it is open to guests posting.
  3. As has been mentioned in the past the profanity filter is automated, there is no sinister censorship plot here The filters exist only to remind members that this is a site for all ages. As with anything automated there is a chance that some false positives will slip through and as the list is externally sourced it will at times be a little over-zealous.
  4. I just started watching this. So far so good. This is also a good look behind the scenes.
  5. Is this Simon Tyler the mayor? If so it's disgraceful he has only done a "small amount of research".
  6. I just had an interesting chat with some sixth formers with posters outside UKIP Bedlington HQ. Good to see them getting their views across. Even though in my opinion they misunderstood a few key problems and their core message was a bit misguided and influenced by their opinions of some UKIP supporters not necessarily UKIP policies, they did a good job of constructing well formed arguments. I'm sure we'll see them again and I invited them to discuss their views on here.
  7. If I recall correctly the shutter restriction is still in place as part of the conservation area guidance but it calls for internally mounted shutter boxes not the restriction of shutters themselves.
  8. The adverts are in rotation. Each appears randomly.
  9. Maybe somebody got tired of throwing things over the top?
  10. Are you getting a 260px wide image for the sidebar Malcolm? I can add one using that poster but the small print will be unreadable at that resolution.
  11. Andy Millne

    Aerial Bedlington

  12. Even more interesting Brett Their coverage checker and my phone says otherwise https://coverage.ee.co.uk/ee/coveragechecker.html
  13. Very interesting Maggie, you could well be right. I've noticed EE's 4G coverage checker is now totally covering bedlington which it wasn't a few weeks ago.
  14. Offline again from 11pm for around 15 minutes
  15. Great stuff canny lass, thanks for sharing. I'm thinking A.N. could well be Anglo Norman influence given the period.
  16. Rumour has it there's a new shop coming imminently to the Front Street that isn't a hairdressers, solicitors, estate agents or florists.
  17. Hi Scorpio, Good luck with your search whatever you decide. The conservation area has been a contentious subject ever since it was introduced and I have mixed feelings. It probably has had a detrimental affect on some buildings it was introduced to protect but at the same time I'm very glad that there is not a free for all on replacement of historic features. I recently had to make similar repairs to sash windows in the conservation area and although initially I thought that putting PVC replacements in would have been a good choice to have I now very much prefer having the repaired originals. It is relatively straightforward to add brush pile draught proofing strips at the same time and the cost doesn't have to be as much as you think. A fully sealed uPVC unit is often not suitable with regard to ventilation needed for the design of the building and the insulation value difference once you have draught proofed and added a well fitting heavy curtain perhaps isn't as much as people realise. Well insulated internal shutters are also an option as well as secondary glazing. I can pass on details of the local company that did my repairs on request.if you do decide to go this route. It's before my time but I'm almost certain the council offices were built before the conservation area was introduced. The historic building it replaced has a few topics on this site although its name escapes me. Yes this is my main opposition to the conservation area strategy. Common sense is often thrown out of the window and some buildings are starting to fall down as a result. The old school building has been mentioned in this topic and is a good example of where a number of proposals were put forward by a developer. Some of these proposals would still have meant a fairly major change to the character of the building but much of it was to be preserved. In the end because all proposals were rejected by the local planning authority at an early stage it went to appeal. An expensive legal battle eventually led to the plans with the least amount of the original building being preserved being accepted and unfortunately the momentum taken out of the whole process. So now all that is happening is the building is continuing to fall down. If this is the building I'm thinking of it is not in the grounds of Laird's House, it is behind 40c and 40d Front Street West (currently the beauty salon and hairdressers). Yes, this confuses me too. There are a number of properties that have had uPVC windows fitted inside the conservation area since it was introduced. When mine were repaired I was surprised by how much is salvageable. The cills are the first to go but often the sashes themselves can be stripped repaired and repainted. A few of the bottom rails of the lower sashes had rotten and were replaced. New cords were fitted and draught seals added.
  18. This is a great way of looking at it. Everything in the past was once an innovation. It doesn't have to be heavy industry or major retail and speaking as a resident I wouldn't want them anyway. All it needs is a solid foundation of light industry and independent retail. We're not talking about Major shopping centres or huge industrial estates, what is needed are the facilities to serve the town without people having to travel great distances to them. The reason this is not possible in my opinion is due to the one size fits all town and city policies in place that discourage the innovation you alluded to. Things like setting business rates at a national level based on floor area is crazy. It is telling when even a local newsagent providing essential services and with no immediate competition is thinking of selling up because these costs are no longer in touch with reality. Instead of addressing these concerns however, we decide it is OK to subsidise other areas not even within our own borders.
  19. I hope we're back onto discussing the old school now.
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