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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. The current owner has already invested many thousands only to be met with ever increasing legal costs in the name of conserving something that has little to no real architectural merit. I recognise that it may have sentimental value for some but times move on. The property was vacant for quite some time beforehand and there was plenty of opportunity to conserve it and create "something nice" if it had been viable. You can certainly object to proposed developments but you can't then complain when the proposed development is stalled. You can't have it both ways.
  2. Yes it is rather strange that a political party would want to interact with a community they are supposed to be representing isn't it?
  3. The terms for advertising are clearly stated in the site announcements forum. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/4415-your-ad-for-free/ The facility is available for all political parties standing in the Bedlington area that have the sense to request it.
  4. It was entirely successful engaging your attention merc, the discussion it engaged also seems to have cemented your decision to vote UKIP. Just saying Personally I'd be much more inclined to vote for a party where the message comes direct and not filtered by legal and marketing departments (if I agree with the message of course)
  5. When you're moving large amounts of data there is a need, trust me There will be for quite some time and if anything increasingly so as more devices become internet connected and "over IP" media becomes more common. I can't imagine the trouble/cost I would have had yesterday transferring a 1TB database on a 4g connection.
  6. Could these questions ( not that specific one of course ) be answered via a FOI request? At least then an answer or reasons for refusal must be given
  7. The draft heads of terms as a guide state "A fair market rent" in other words whatever the two parties can agree on based on similar rents paid for other properties.
  8. What is the letter above in relation to please Malcolm? The perceived barriers to entry are certainly a problem for new businesses. Rents, rates, insurance, utility bills, accounting and legal in reality aren't too complex but they are all certainly disincentives to trying stuff and seeing what sticks.
  9. Yes they will, and do. If you're receiving resistance in negotiation there could be a number of reasons for this. Negotiation on price may not be something the landlord is willing to do, there are other things other than price however. You may also be speaking to the wrong person, agents can be bad at communicating offers. Also, the business or offer may not be a good fit for the owner's long term plans. My main point is the sticker price is very rarely the final price for anything and by making blanket statements such as the rents are extreme or landlords are unwilling to negotiate it's not a very good advert for the town. I'm also not saying there aren't some landlords with unrealistic expectations, clearly from your experience this may have been the case in at least a couple of instances. This is not a universal truth though. It does sound like there are lots of small businesses individuals that need a leg up on their way to high street premises which is part of the reason I raised the idea of small office space units in the other thread. I'll try and get the relevant posts merged.
  10. This is a gross generalisation. Yes, there are some pretty optimistic figures quoted from some as pointed out above but anybody with an ounce of commercial sense would negotiate on these and put forward the business case for a lower rent. If somebody was to offer a full asking rent with no negotiation whatsoever then I suspect any landlord would rather not want this tenant. There are legal fees and other costs associated with all new tenancies after all. A prospective tenant that can't even negotiate on one of their fundamental costs probably won't stay in business longer than 6 months. This seems like a good way of filtering out the non viable businesses to me. For reasons of balance and after a declaration of interest... http://www.rightmove.co.uk/commercial-property-for-sale/property-44354767.html
  11. The best use for the building imo would be to split it up into a few dozen incubator style offices/meeting spaces with reception services. I expect these would be quite tempting to the likes of Merc working from home, it would create activity in the town centre and some may grow to fill the more visible high street retail premises over time. There would be lots of networking opportunities and a lot of the hassles many start ups face would be eliminated. There a couple of ways of looking at our location, some see it as a downside but our town is centrally located between 4 larger towns which could be a huge advantage if treated correctly.
  12. It's a DNS issue, might take a couple of hours or so to propagate to your service provider.
  13. This topic was split from http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/5593-reston-nee-metcalfe/
  14. Yeah it was Jimmy Millne's plate works. I'm told it was quite a large operation at the time. His bikes were made there beforehand. I'm going to split this so as not to hijack Maggiel's topic
  15. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/5747-terrier-plate-works-market-place-millne-house/
  16. The software we use has a built in warning system based on a points system. Points don't get you prizes but temporary posting restrictions or a ban if the points reach a threshold. Don't worry though we've never had the need for it here as moderation is very hands off. The only things that ever really get moderated are if people start with personal attacks or basic decency is overlooked. You only get to see your own warning level, others won't see it and in the new version coming soon it won't even show at all unless you have a warning.
  17. I believe you're missing a very important difference Adam. The examples you have listed are all events where the victims could not have foreseen the outcome. The closure of the mines was inevitable. Of course, nobody wants to see people lose their jobs but if you *choose* to work in a declining industry that is receiving ever increasing subsidies then you have to expect it will come to an end at some point. As you can see the decline started a lot earlier than the strikes and closures.
  18. To what end? Would it not be better actually putting some time into resolving current issues not ones 30 years in the past?
  19. In 2007 Tesco unveiled plans to redevelop its Bedlington town centre store including the introduction of additional retail units and office space. In 2014 the residents of Bedlington are still waiting for work to begin despite a key town centre asset being handed over as part of the deal. The "Gap Site", a parcel of land in the heart of the market place remains unused and leaves the town's ongoing development in a state of limbo. Wansbeck MP Ian Lavery has written to Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis requesting a meeting amid concerns that the proposed plans have now been "permanently shelved". He has started a campaign to request Tesco develop the site as promised or return the asset to someone that will. Mr Lavery, speaking to Chronicle Live journalist Brian Daniel said, "The situation is a hugely disappointing one for everyone concerned particularly given that when originally passed by planners this scheme was heralded as the biggest single investment in the history of the town. The failure to progress this development leaves Bedlington in a state of limbo. "Accessibility from the car park at the rear entrance to the store is a huge issue with the steep ramps proving problematic for shoppers with full trolleys let alone those with children in pushchairs, the disabled or the elderly," he said. "Furthermore the failure to progress the development leaves the undeveloped gap in the centre of the town's Market Place as a continued eyesore in what is otherwise an extremely attractive tree-lined main thoroughfare through Bedlington. "Many people were also so looking forward to the proposed development providing much-needed new office and retail space for small local businesses and that has not happened either. "It is my belief that Tesco has an obligation to the people of Bedlington to review its plans for the store and the wider town centre, because failure to do so will have far reaching consequences for the town. "I would welcome a meeting with Mr Lewis to discuss a potential way forward on this dilemma." The campaign is currently requesting the signatures of local residents in support of his proposal and at the time of writing had 17 signatures.
  20. Close but not exactly. The Turks Head was the building next door to what is now the Market Tavern and later became the Terrier Plate Works, Millne department store, the Co-op, various supermarkets (kwik save and another I can't remember). It's now part of Tesco used for storage.
  21. Um... http://screencast.com/t/FTL20JaIJ0iF
  22. No, the revision history is coming soon With a revision history people can edit their posts as much as they like but each edit is stored for reference.
  23. I updated it. You can only edit your own posts up to 15 minutes after posting to avoid abuse with people editing their first post after somebody has replied. There is a full revision history feature coming soon to allow editing of posts at any time.
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