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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    Sorry still don't understand what you are trying to say. One is lit with fluorescent lighting one with LEDs. Both are backlit but LED backlighting is more even. What's in dispute about that? My point is you said LED TVs weren't backlit but they are.
  2. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    I'm not saying that. I bought a cheap noname fluorescent backlit one a few years ago and the newer LED backlit ones ARE far superior like you say. But it's still backlighting like the older ones, just with a different light source that's all.
  3. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    No matter what lighting technology is used it's still backlighting whichever way you spin it. Again just another case of the marketing department wanting to print more stickers. LED does result in more even backlighting though in my experience.
  4. We'll give you the credit for the new record number of users online at once today.
  5. Bricks gave it away but only because I made a thumbnail of the library sign for the library/community centre news article. here's one...
  6. Nobody remember the huge swathes of British builders landing in Germany then? I don't I'm too young but my point stands
  7. Keep fighting the fight Debra.
  8. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    it's actually 600Hz but that's really pushing it yeah that's the idea but I'm not convinced. 100 fps maybe but 600... Not so sure. I think it's megapixel syndrome kicking in.
  9. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    Your TV may be 50Hz but that is interlaced and displays alternating lines then rescans and fills in the blanks. 24/25 Hz or fps in progressive scan (display the fullframe at once) is what the movie studios aim at for a filmic look. That's a seperate issue though and what you suggested (yes I'm being pedantic) was to buy a 600 'milli' Hertz TV i.e. 0.6 frames per second. I'm not convinced of the need for 600Hz as the human eye can't interpret that many frames in a second. Another sticker for the TV that's all it is for all but the very fastest scenes.
  10. Andy Millne

    3D Tv's

    I would definately opt for LED backlighting. I have a regular back lit LCD set and it is very noticeable in dark scenes. Blacks are greys and the backlighting is uneven. I wouldn't bother with a 600mhz TV as Monsta suggests. You'll quickly get bored of watching movies at that framerate. 24Hz at least I'd say
  11. Watching the third debate... since when did cuts = taking money out of the economy? Brown seems to think the Government IS the economy. Money back into the private sector, there's your efficiency savings.
  12. Ah! Now that could make more sense.
  13. There was a carrington in Midlothian, Scotland until 1975 if that's any help.
  14. Maybe we could install loudspeakers playing classical music in all known hostile states as a pre-emptive measure... well it worked for the Metro.
  15. Some brilliant marketing from IKEA http://www.thekitchen.ikea.co.uk/domestic-policy/election.html
  16. I think Monsta is referring to Camerons interview with Paxman where he did a very poor job of answering a question on which areas were more dependant on the public sector.
  17. Or am I about to be hit over the head with a frozen husky?
  18. Posted by Owen LNER A1 Class 4-6-2 no 60163 Tornado is booked to pass though Bedlington this sat Route and times are as follows Newcastle d 13.31 Benton N Jc 13.39 Newsham 14.01 Bedlington N Jc 14.10 Morpeth 14.23 Heaton S Jc 14.41 Newcastle d 14.47 Please Remember things can change or there can be problems. but its booked for then.....Enjoy
  19. I think it's this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LNER_Peppercorn_Class_A1_60163_Tornado passing through Bedlington at 14:10.
  20. First candidate to reply to this thread explaining how they are going to engage with the people of Bedlington gets my vote as they'll have already done it. I'm going to put the kettle on, this could be a long wait...
  21. A great loss, very well respected by all here. R.I.P. Joe
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