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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. The problem I see with that is there needs to be some free thinking candidates and not ones simply toeing the party line. With no local candidates actively engaging with the electorate the only connection a lot of people get are these debates.
  2. Because I'm anticipating a hung parliament.
  3. "I have been to Afghanistan a few times. Every time you're blown away." oops!
  4. Sad news indeed, get well soon Joe.
  5. I can remember getting told off for riding the raisbeck back from the youth club one day when somebody forgot to pick me up! you know who you are!
  6. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user=818&do=view_album&album=59 Thanks for sharing Cympil some real gems in there.
  7. Which has carried on into this morning...
  8. Sky over Bedders looks OK today in any case.
  9. I'm assuming it's more an issue of abrasion of the internals of the engine and build up of debris on the blades rather than something that's going to cause severe "drop out of the sky" damage. Like you say the safety issues are probably overexaggerated.
  10. Is everybody watching the debate then? When do the phone lines open?
  11. Maybe we should offer to host a Live Chat debate with the wansbeck candidates?
  12. Seriously though, what the £$%$ is the point of those cameras? Are they even in use?
  13. http://www.newspostl...rity.6208103.jp Perhaps Northumbria Police should be interviewing Tegan Chapman who appears to have had 5 days advanced notice of the crime.
  14. BEDLINGTON COMMUNITY CENTRE UPDATE FROM COUNCILLOR ARTHUR PEGG Contrary to what you may have read in the media there is no intention of closing Bedlington Community Centre. You can rest assured that I am working very hard to ensure that the facility remains open. I write this note to inform you of the current position regarding the attempts to have the Centre remain open. First, negotiations are taking place to appoint some person or some organisation to take on the running of the Centre. At the moment there are two such organisations who are interested in running the Centre. The negotiations are complex with regard as to how the owner of the Centre would be willing to allow the facility to be leased – obviously each side wanting the best deal possible. Northumberland County Council is fully aware of the tight deadline and is therefore making every effort to complete things as soon as possible. On top of this complication there is also the question as to who should own the Centre in the future. Should it remain in the hands of the County Council or should the Town Council take on the ownership and all of the responsibility that that entails? So you can see with so many things to consider an immediate solution is not possible. Once the details have been worked out, to the satisfaction of all those involved, then an announcement will be made as to the way forward for Bedlington Community Centre. The County Council is an open and transparent Authority and as far as the Town Council is concerned it will not take on ownership of the Centre without due consideration of all of the consequences. In the past the Centre has not been run on a strict commercial basis but this must change in the future so that it becomes self sustaining. It is regarded as the 'hub' of the town and should continue to be so. If you have any queries/questions/concerns regarding the above then please contact me as below. Cllr Pegg Tel 01670 534041 0r 01670 823963 Email: Arthur.Pegg@northumberland.gov.uk
  15. You noticed that too then? The independent candidate is using a printer in Hexham. Not the brightest.
  16. ...and no you can't have those 2 minutes back
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49jKeGyUCJE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp9Gm-aRe5A
  18. Bird on a crossed wire.
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