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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Just thought I'd give this a bump seeing as there are a lot of new members that may not be aware of it.
  2. http://www.samknows....nd/checker2.php useful tool to see what's available to you.You may save a bit of cash too if you're lucky.
  3. yeah it's now more and more likely to be your internet connection, if you can try again easily (without rearranging your house) from the master phone socket bypassing that lead then we can see what difference the extension is making. sounds like you migh do well at looking into changing ISPs who you with at the moment and how far from the exchange are you?
  4. Possibly yes, use this site http://www.speedtest.net to test your connection speed.
  5. Pete, if you pause the video and wait till the buffer fills, let the bar at the bottom of the video get right to the end and then play it back. If it plays back fine after doing that then it's your internet connection.
  6. Stephen's group is here http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=186741581491 Good luck!
  7. I'm rendering an HD video of the switch on so I'll stick that in there as soon as it's done. Sorry for the shakiness, I was freezing!
  8. There's an album been set up specially in the galleries for all your Tommy pics and video. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user=1&do=view_album&album=89
  9. If pausing it and letting it buffer is causing the improvement then it is your internet connection that is the bottleneck not the computer.
  10. There are a few groups working towards this goal and a feasability study is being carried out. There are two proposed sites. Gallagher Park and Meadowdale School. The Friends of Gallagher Park have a website - http://friendsofgallagherpark.ning.com/ You may also like to attend the Bedlington Forum and Community Area Partnership meetings as the next meetings will be discussing this feasability study.
  11. Depends what you mean by leisure centre. I think something like a general purpose indoor sports facility with provision for 5-a-side football, tennis, squash etc. would be great. Swimming pool? perhaps not due to the serious expense that would be involved but it's certainly something to aim for.
  12. Haha what a bloke. Some of his comments and actions over last few days will go down in history.
  13. Try pausing the video and letting some of the video buffer. Also make sure you are not trying to view hi-def versions because your computer likely won't handle it with those specs depnding on the P4 version.
  14. Just making sure the group creator gets some of her 15.3 minutes of fame. Not taken anything away from the Bennies kids just corrected the facts. Done now.
  15. Matt Lee-Aliston of The Panto Company, based in old Bedlington police station.
  16. OK I've created group badges for these individuals which will show up alongside their posts so you will know who you are speaking to. Done some, waiting on permission of others. Please get in touch.
  17. Interesting that we are having this discussion on here and not on Facebook though isn't it Is the same level of thought and discussion going on in any of those other media sources? So I think we are in agreement we need to use ALL tools available to us and direct them accordingly. Great topic love it.
  18. OK 3g managed to say it better as usual
  19. While I agree with the majority of your post, you've kind of missed threegee's point on one key aspect in another thread. A lot went on to make that Facebook group the success it was. Sian, Myself and several others have been doing press interviews all week to give it exposure following a press release from this site and several of it's members calling in favours. Even with 1500 votes we still had a massive task convincing firstly the event organisers and then several groups within both councils who were raising objections at every possible point in the process even up to the very last minute. But like 3g said, by working with these bodies and addressing their concerns we got a result! and what a great affect it has had on the town as a result. I couldn't be more thrilled. Couldn't agree more, it's still worth riding this fad out because it's a big fad. Facebook is an altogether different behemoth and one I suspect that will be around for a lot longer (unless of course ITV or Murdoch decide to buy it) but like I say one that will also never be able to cater for specific subjects. It is impossible to be all things to all people and they realise that. Yes absolutely! It's fantastic to see everybody in the town starting to sit up and take responsibility themselves. I've also had a number of discussions with councillors today who are keen to embrace it and want to work with the site on future issues so it's all looking very promising indeed. I'm also nearly finished with some of the new features that will really open up the site to collaboration and make content submission much easier. Yeah that's the main point right there, it's about convincing these casual net users. Stick around mercuryg this is great discussion.
  20. ... But more importantly there's no snow and santa hats
  21. Also this... You can distill this into a simple statement: Facebook and Twitter is centred squarely on its members talking about themselves on a bewildering and expansive array of random subjects. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS
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