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Everything posted by mercuryg

  1. No, no you can't! Please, the less links the better! I have no idea what this is about, but will wait for maggies answer rather than delve through links! If something can't be explained in a few sentences, without me having to watch seven, 10, whatever minutes of video footage, I - like most people - lose interest. I'm starting the No Links party tomorrow.
  2. No it's just a market cross! It's a marker for trading; 'pay on the nail'?
  3. I said SOME things can be looked at in black and white terms; not all. I'm right, too. It doesn't pay to over complicate everything; much of life is quite simple. When the outcome is obvious- black or white - what's the point in prolonging the issue? This leaves us more time to sort the issues that need more attention. You stood up to Marxists teaching you? Good for you. What if they had been fascists teaching you?
  4. From the link about the dog: " one of those breeders from the town of Bedlington in Northampshire..." Northampshire? Where be that, then?
  5. Interesting topic this; I think it is most definitely a market cross, which of course is a term used to describe any sort of marker that defines the location of a market.
  6. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that you take a liberal-leftist view which takes everything at face value." You are wrong. I take the view that one should always consider all angles of a situation, a story, whatever we are dealing with. I take the view that picking and choosing the factors in a situation that inspire an individuals personal views is the wrong way to go. I don't hold the view that one particular political school of thinking is right or wrong, simply because it can't be. Nobody can, after all, get everything right. I follow politics and world affairs as you do, but rather than taking on board only some of what is being said/done/overlooked, I take the trouble to look at things from as many possible scenarios as I can (time, of course, permitting). This is why, for one thing, I can see no real reason why Putin would go to war; it simply makes no sense, and is scaremongering at its worst. It's the same reason I know - note, Know, not believe - that, contrary to the insistence of many, the UK is not going to become a muslim state. I could go on and suggest many other popular scenarios and terrible future developments that are regularly put forward in the popular press that are quite simply. utter nonsense, but I think you get the picture. Face value is, in many situations, actually a sensible measure; plenty of what we take to be complex and convoluted in life is, in fact actually black and white, and sometimes, simplifying a conundrum is the best way to assess it. Not in every scenario, of course, but in many. In truth, also, children should be taught to be liberal in their thoughts; any other option is indoctrination, and does not allow them to make up their own minds - as you and I have had the opportunity to do - in later life. Finally, I was talking about your intelligence, not that of the various world leaders! I posit you likely exceed many of them in that area. You are wrong
  7. Maggie, there are serious collectors of this sort of thing, put them on ebay!
  8. "There's a standing joke on the stock market that runs down the generations: wet-behind-the-ears people who claim this time it will all be different!" And it is different. Surely you, a clearly intelligent man, can see that the world - and indeed Europe - is a vastly different place, especially politically, to that it was then? I'm not sure, either, why Russia and Putin would want to go to war?
  9. "muslim king" No. In a supreme act of discrimination, I believe this is not permitted; nor can the Monarch be a Catholic. I disagree strongly with the application from the original post; under-represented or not, the job should go to the best candidate, irrespective of the colour of their skin,
  10. "You are starting to sound like one of those host of deluded fools in 1939" Not really; this 2016, the past was a very different place.
  11. Indeed; I don't have any stupid cats. I instead have 17 carefully selected, very intelligent cats, who kill only needless, superfluous rodents - those that are over-populated in local terms - and shit in a set location, rather than 'all over'. Oddly, despite Monsta's protestations, they also play a strong part in keeping the local 'rat bastard' population at bay; I frequently clear rat bastard carcasses from my garden. I'm also not sure why Monsta urges me to dig up my veg (etc); not much of it is ready yet.
  12. Right; so we're going to be one big European army? Seriously, you think the rest of Europe is suddenly going to join up together? Really? I mean, really? No, I don't think so.
  13. I've heard on the grapevine that the Bank Top has had a lucky escape, that it's open again and the building plans have been shelved for some reason. Don't get down that way much, anyone add to this? Or is it wrong!
  14. I'm probably beating a different drum here, but having looked at the pictures above and now understanding where these houses are, I'm not sure the impact they will make is so great. This land must be owned by the residents of the existing home, or am I wrong?
  15. There's a difference between a typo and ignorance. Note: it's.
  16. You didn't write "get out of my face" which is a well known grade. You wrote "out there face" which is completely different. A 'of' would have helped. You're a little wide casting insults when your use of the native language is suspect. Unacceptable insults also, asterisks or not. I'm all for heady debate and banter, but let's keep it out of the gutter.
  17. 'Out there face' ...brilliant. What does that mean?
  18. Webtrekker, any notices on the fence about the petition were not put there with my knowledge, and I was involved in the front line of the campaign.
  19. Very true, Foxy (and one I wasn't at! Shame on me!) PS Tree which is no longer there!!
  20. Fair point; I shall do my best to be there. As for the noise on social media, surely that's a good thing? Of course, it's far easier to sit in the comfort of your own home and type stuff on a computer than it is to actually get out and do something.
  21. I thought Loose Women would be more up your street, Monsta! As it is, we're currently deciding what to campaign about next, just to annoy you!
  22. Monsta, nobody was or is whinging. All we asked was for Lidl to consider the tree. They did, which is commendable, and replied with sensible reasoning as to why the tree has to go. We accept that. Once again, this wasn't about the tree OR Lidl, because we want Lidl, and others, to invest in the town. It was a last chance attempt to save a beautiful tree. Of course, that's of no interest to you. I doubt, in fact, you care at all about the regeneration of the town or of community spirit.
  23. What a great idea! I have no idea who to talk to regards street names, I shall ask Malcolm. There were some positives gained from the campaign; first and foremost, it showed that we can pull together, once again, as a community. Also, we learned a great deal about weeping willows! We also discovered that. contrary to prior belief, the tree cannot be 100 years old; not only is it extremely rare for this species to live that long, but I canvassed people to cast their minds back and remember if it was there when they were young. The opinion now is that it was planted some time between the mid-70's to early 80's. Still a beautiful tree.
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