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Everything posted by mercuryg

  1. I asked Chris who told him not to fly it; nobody did. I also would like to know, as I said, of instances where foreigners have actually been offended, rather than reading oft-repeated stories of jobsworths asking for flags to be taken down in case of such, which is all the linked articles are about. I know of, and doubt any of you do, one incidence of any Muslim - or for Chris's sake European- complaining about the flag. It's always idiot do-gooders making assumptions on others beliefs. And I mean always.
  2. Isn't that what 52% of 72% of the country just did?
  3. Come on Canny Lass, you're an educated woman, you should know the language of politicians is Double Dutch.
  4. Latin! A great language, the official language of Vatican City. Useful if you want to be Pope.
  5. Who told you that, Chris? Where and when, precisely? And have you heard of any EU visitors being upset? Why on Earth did you think you had to ask if it was OK to say you were English, or to fly your flag? Seriously, and it gets my back up big style, it is this sort of ridiculous - and false - belief that fans the flames. You probably also believe we are expected to say 'Happy Holidays' rather than Christmas as it offends Muslims (hint: it doesn't, they just don't celebrate it) or that the word Easter was banned from chocolate eggs this spring (hint: it wasn't) or that Nativity plays in junior schools are now required to be similarly amended for fear of offence (interesting fact: Muslims, and a lot of European countries too, have similar tales of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so why would it offend them?) I ask once again, in all seriousness, who told you that you couldn't fly the Cross of St George? (He was, of course, a foreigner anyway).
  6. "We are in a prolonged period of economic adjustment in the UK, we are adjusting to life outside the EU and it will not be as economically rosy as life inside the EU," he told BBC Radio 4. We are absolutely going to have to provide fiscal security to people, we are going to have to show the country and the world that the government can live within its means. – CHANCELLOR GEORGE OSBORNE Asked if that meant tax rises and spending cuts, he said: "Yes, absolutely." This is excellent news, just what the country needs! I'm so pleased to be paying more tax, and having less money spent on vital services throughout the country! It's exactly what 52% of the country voted for! Isn't it? (sorry, I meant 52% of 72% of the country).
  7. They clearly do have problems with knees as they fall over an awful lot. Once we get into the intergalactic community they can learn from skilled teams such as those from Mars, Venus, Saturn, and peripheral moons such as Titan and Io, who are particularly good. As for Eurovision, I'm afraid avoiding it is out of the question; even Azerbaijan and Australia are forced to suffer it now,.
  8. For the record, I don't have free movement in one of my knees since I broke it into lots of pieces falling off a bike when in my teens. Perhaps the journey into space would help!
  9. Canny Lass, that's made my day! 3G, can't access the link?
  10. I'm sure some of our top boffins can overcome that little problem. Even so, if we stay here, there won't be any left soon, thanks to a massive growth in the Muslim population, who will clearly breathe it all.
  11. As someone paid in dollars, how I wish that was so! Sadly, it doesn't quite work like that.
  12. That ones old hat now; this one allows us to embark on a new era of intergalactic free movement. Imagine: our currency might once again be worth something!
  13. Just had a brainwave; since we've voted to leave the EU, can we now have a referendum on whether we should leave the World? Then we could just be invisible; nobody would know Britain was here. It would be total class. We could do what we wanted, when we wanted, because we would no longer be here. Who's in?
  14. "would we see cavil unrest" Possibly, but only carried out by 52% of 72% of the voting population!
  15. Why would it? It's a business, it needs shops to make money. People will still drive German cars, too, believe it or not.
  16. Why was it not before, Brian? That is, after all, the English flag.
  17. I get paid in US $. At least that's one good thing today.
  18. Chris, if you know nothing about it, learn. It's quite simple.
  19. I believe in Australia, where you are obliged to vote, there is an option to abstain.
  20. I disagree; a vote for x is better than a vote for y (or vice-versa) when compared to not bothering because you believe your vote means nothing. Why do you think the turnout figures at elections are so poor? Let's say 30% of people don't bother to vote. That's 30 out of every 100 people. What a difference it could make if that 30% actually paid attention, and voted one way or the other even for just a minor, one-off point that they thought may benefit them! There's nothing weak-willed in voting, ever. I'd venture the opposite. Get out and vote tomorrow.
  21. "I honestly and truly believe it won't make a single bit of difference if I vote or not." I honestly could scream every time I read or hear someone say this; of course it makes a difference! Don't listen to the propaganda and the bullshit; use your vote to express what YOU believe, what it means to you. Do you work, for example? If you do, will the EU situation affect you on that area of your life? Where do you do your shopping? Simple, basic things. or, quite simply, you are intensely patriotic and believe, for whatever reason, Britain is Britain, and not Europe. Or, perhaps, you like lasagne, and feel you should vote remain because it's Italian. Above all, use - gain - your bloody right to vote! You're not upsetting the applecart; you're being - with respect - extremely stupid.
  22. Nope, 200watt heat lamp under them!
  23. Bloody hell! Mine is in there somewhere!
  24. "You can USE an oven! Can you also use a washing machine? How about a vacuum cleaner?" I can use this one! It's a big glass bowl with a lid on, you shove stuff in it, push the button and off it goes! As for a washing machine, yes, and a vacuum cleaner, yes. "And the million dollar question - are you already married? (asking for a friend)." Ha ha no I'm still very single! Looking to stay that way, sorry to your friend!!
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