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Malcolm Robinson

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Posts posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Pilgrim,


    There are many words I could use to describe council meetings however for the sake of council understanding them the expression being used currently has too many syllables to be universally understood by all members!  In fact at some council meetings……..higher up ones that is…… you might have to wake members up to ask them if they understood! 


    (I wish everyone HAD to attend council meetings and see the performance of the people they are electing!  Pity Pratchett is gone would have made an excellent source for his type of humour!)   

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  2. Just for my tuppence worth on this one…….


    I think what GGG is presenting is the 'popular' view which is being ingrained into Mr and Mrs Joe Average up and down the country.  Few if any will check ANY facts and what was once "I hear that..” is now " Did you know!”  Supposition and gossip is now being presented as fact. 

    I think there will almost certainly be a back lash, it's always happened throughout history just as France is now seeing it politically.  

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  3. We have lights in most of the trees along Front Street Canny lass.  I will see about this other problem today.  


    I thought we had two spare boxes of lights for the main tree but it seems the lads put everything new we bought up.


    So Vic black tape muchly needed!!!!!!

  4. Kinda knocks your end in when this happens but do we let the winnits of society win..............





    One thing has changed these days...............I have just pushed through a zero tolerance policy in council so if we find out who did this they WILL be in court and I WILL ask for punitive damages!  

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