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Posts posted by Canny lass

  1. What  a fantastic job you've done!! Nice to see so very many youngsters involved. That's the way to tackle destructive behaviour - encourage participation and create pride in their Town. They'll be much less likely to destroy something they've created themselves, or allow anyybody else to do so. They'll be so proud in years to come when they pass those trees, maybe even pointing them out to their own Children, and know that they had a hand in it. Well done everybody.

  2. Here's your opportunity folks! Get cracking and fill in the questionnaire.


    1) What is worrying you about where you live? Our shabby neighbours, Bedlington.

    2) What are you enjoying about where you live? Feel free to choose anything that NCC has funded for Morpeth.

    3) What one thing would make your Life better? A 'face-lift' for Bedlington.

  3. Maggie, don't take it seriously. I don't. I see it more as a bit of daft banter. There is no Point scoring going on - how can there be?  I haven't even seen a hint of a discussion let alone an argument. I can't agree to differ with Tonyp because I'm in agreement with him. I've said so (see #13). People "should stick to what they know". Unfortunately they don't Always do that. But it is a democratic World we live in. I've totally lost track of what's been talked about here. It started off with a nice gesture by Brett, very quickly turned to my geography and phonology skills (I don't possess either) and then progressed to simple things being man's things, cognitive behaviour therapy, stones, sociology and intellectual Girls sticking together! I just don't see the Connection. It cannot be a serious dialogue. It must be daft banter.


    Correction: instead of psychology read linguistics. That was a mistake on my part. I was doing too many things at once - including listening to a debate on the radio about the need for more psychologists in primary care teams here in Scandinavia.

  4. I wouldn't know about phonology,Tonyp. Phonetics was more my thing as I was fascinated by the different mechanisms involved in sound production. However, syntax and lexical development, both from a historical perspective, are more my domain. I'll have a bash at smartypins and let you know how I get on.

  5. Hertfordshire accent sounds like your mate? Then I have to change my opinion, Your mate,s  not using a North East dialect. He'speaking Standard English with a Gosforth accent That's the same as "trying to speak posh and failing miserabley".

  6. Thanks Tonyp. It's not easy to write how a Word sounds is it? That's why linguists use the IPA system. Your mate's pronunciation is exactly what I thought it would be: hut-el with vowel reduction (shortening of the 'o' until it's almost inaudible) on the first syllable and primary stress (emphasizing the sound and making it sound just a Little longer than normal) on the second. You can tell your mate that you, every time you say hoe-tel, are using either:


    Standard English (if you pronounce hoe the way Her Magesty would)


    Standard English with a North East accent (if you pronounce hoe the way most people from Bedlington do - with a North East accent). 


    He, on the other hand, is speaking a North East dialect with, presumably a Gosforth accent. Or he might just be trying to speak 'posh' and failing miserably.

  7. I remember seeing, I use the Word loosely, The Rolling Stones at the city hall. I had a great view while everyone was seated  but, being short, I couldn't see a thing when the whole audience was on it's feet. Well, almost all. Many were lying on the floor having fainted or had a fit of hysterics.

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