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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. Well done you! Now would you care to explain 41.99?
  2. Here it means reduced prices on basic Foods and work for swedish nationals with immigrant background. Price reductions are found not only in Lidl's but in all the other supermarket chains, who for years have charged extortionate prices because "quality costs" and "quality means Swedish". Since the arrival of Lidl, Three or four years ago, the Swedes have learned that quality products can have many countries of origin and that "foreign" is not necessarily synonymous with "bad". The result being that the leading supermarket chains have been forced to stock a lower cost variety of almost everything. Over the last few years the number of Swedish Products has been noticeably reduced - they are not Selling. Fruit and vegetables, while the selection may be small, are Always of high quality in Lidls. They are delivered Daily. OK their bananas may not be as "curvy" as their competitors and their peppers can come in all shapes and sizes but what does that matter if your planning on cutting them up into smaller pieces? The taste is the same, the colour is the same, the nutritional value is the same. It's only the price that's different. On the employment front they've given some immigrant families a chance to be free from the shackles of the benefit system. Believe me it's not all immigrants who want benefits. The men in particular regain a sense of pride that's really noticeable once they start providing for their family again. Wonderful to see.!! Now, why Lidl appears to employ a large proportion of the immigrant population (here at least - I can't speak for other countries) I do not know. The wage seems to be the same as in the other supermarket chains. The workers are affiliated to a union - if they wish to be, and the hours are the same.
  3. Penny less? More likely legless!
  4. Absolutely Pete. They'll probably insist on chip-marking as well.
  5. As you say ggg, interesting times ahead!
  6. Well done Malcolm, err.... I mean your mayorship!
  7. Sorry Smudge, I seem to have missed this. SAD has certainly something to do with suicide rates in Scandinavia but mostly in the extreme north, nearer the pole circle. Fortunately not many people live so far North. Southern and mid Scandinavia have about the same amount of Daylight as the UK and don't feel the effect so much. When I've seen Denmark's position on the happiness barometer I've Always had an inkling (another Lovely Word) that it had to do with their intake of alcohol. There's no "wrong" time for a beer in Denmark. I was surprised to see that their intake is only marginally higher than in the UK. It may be something to do with the way the Danes drink . They don't drink to get drunk only to feel "pleasantly inebriated". I agree that we should not be averse to Learning from other countries and long for the day that Sweden can adopt British politics in relation to the sale of alcohol.
  8. Welcome to the forum Sianabix. My own personal thoughts on the matter are that if ever there was a result that showed the need for a reform in favour of proportional representation then this has to be it!
  9. You're all very quiet on here today! Tired after sitting up half the night watching the results come in? Too disappointed with the result to get out of bed this morning? Speechless with joy? let's hear your thoughts on the result!
  10. Where do you find these Maggie!
  11. Must be the weather then.
  12. I'm using Chrome and not having any problems.
  13. September 2014 in the Swedish election all over again! Your odds on Another election Before the year's out are about right ggg. However, they managed to avoid it here by freezing out the third largest party (equivqlent to Ukip) after the election. Very non-democratic behaviour!
  14. It does tend to be a bit too much at times, doesn't it! As you say - roll on Friday with its discussions on why it all Went wrong (or right as the case may be).
  15. Depends how you measure happiness. Denmark usually comes out in the top 10 on the "happiness barometer", though they have lost a little of their footing the last couple of years. However, if you measure happiness - or the lack of it - by the number of suicides per year you'll get a very different picture. According to WHO data Denmark is currently at number 27/100 with 13.6 suicides per 100, 000. The UK on the other hand is at 62/100 with only 7 suicides per 100, 000. My first thought was that maybe alcohol - or the lack of it - may account for the difference but according to the same source there's only a marginal difference.
  16. Working just fine for me.
  17. ThanksSymptoms! I'll get him onto that right away!
  18. I can't remember tomatoes either. I can't remember ever seeing a greenhouse. Plenty of Coldframes though for propogating bedding plants. We grew, as well as leeks,potatoes and cabbages, sprouts, peas, onions, carrots lettuce and radishes. On the floral side it was margarits, asters, chrysanthemums and lupins. (The latter grow wild here and are classed as a weed)! Some plants were Always left to go to seed for planting the following year and All garden waste was composted to improve the soil. No garden centres in those Days!
  19. Couldn't agree more Brett! It's all about looking at things in today's light and making up your own mind! Things change and so can our opinions. What was good for our fathers and grandfathers isn't necessarily right for us.The main thing is that we use our right to vote rather than sit at home complaining. Even a spoiled vote says more than no vote at all!
  20. and for chilblains, Maggie. There's a Lovely Word. Do people still get them?
  21. Now this is interesting, Symptoms. We are plagued with foxes here. Must it be men's urine and what do I do with it? Do I spray it round the boundaries of the property, over the entire garden or do I just get the old man to have his morning pee here and there and everywhere? Golden showers? I'm not going to ask! In this neck of the woods it means something that would be considered unfit for inclusion on this site.
  22. I'm particularly intrigued by the cure for ringworm! "Find a pot of a man's urine". The Word 'find' suggests that this should be the urine of an unknown male. We'll I mean, if it was your old-man's urine you wouldn't need to 'find' it. Presumably you would know where he kept his pot. How does one go about 'finding' pots of urine - and, once found, how does one know with certainty that it's a man's urine? What's the magic ingredient in male urine that's not to be found in female urine? And, finally would male urine found in anything else than a pot do the trick? I think we may need to start a new topic for this one.
  23. Good luck with the noise-making tomorrow. I'll be with you in spirit if not in body and will be making a noise here in the garden at 12 noon. Took Malcolm's advice and will have something noisy with me - 7 grandchildren!
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