Here it means reduced prices on basic Foods and work for swedish nationals with immigrant background. Price reductions are found not only in Lidl's but in all the other supermarket chains, who for years have charged extortionate prices because "quality costs" and "quality means Swedish". Since the arrival of Lidl, Three or four years ago, the Swedes have learned that quality products can have many countries of origin and that "foreign" is not necessarily synonymous with "bad". The result being that the leading supermarket chains have been forced to stock a lower cost variety of almost everything. Over the last few years the number of Swedish Products has been noticeably reduced - they are not Selling. Fruit and vegetables, while the selection may be small, are Always of high quality in Lidls. They are delivered Daily. OK their bananas may not be as "curvy" as their competitors and their peppers can come in all shapes and sizes but what does that matter if your planning on cutting them up into smaller pieces? The taste is the same, the colour is the same, the nutritional value is the same. It's only the price that's different. On the employment front they've given some immigrant families a chance to be free from the shackles of the benefit system. Believe me it's not all immigrants who want benefits. The men in particular regain a sense of pride that's really noticeable once they start providing for their family again. Wonderful to see.!! Now, why Lidl appears to employ a large proportion of the immigrant population (here at least - I can't speak for other countries) I do not know. The wage seems to be the same as in the other supermarket chains. The workers are affiliated to a union - if they wish to be, and the hours are the same.