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Adam Hogg

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Posts posted by Adam Hogg

  1. What's everybody's problem here? The idea of a few energy saving windmills grinding locally produced wheat into flour really appeals to me. Why has no-one thought of this brilliant inovative piece of modern technology before........(p.s. dont wake me up to early, it is proving to be a hard, hard life....zzzzzz)

    I completely agree with keith there are at least two old windmills near Bedlington which are twice as small as wind trubines would it not be better to use the old windmills and not build new ugly ineffective wind trubines?
  2. No he has taken over five years to begin the development so the application should be null and void if he wants to build he should have to reapply for planning permission and go though everything again if not he is breaking the law a could face a fine or even a prison trip, i think. :glare:

  3. I hope everyone objects to them, "they are ugly, ineffective and completely usless" quote prince phillip and i fully agree with him. Coal is the Past, Present and Future, Long live King Coal :thumbsup: . This should be what happens to wind farms :closed: .

  4. A residential home can't be built on the land as the application has been withdrawn (source: http://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?previousCaseUprn=010012422026&previousCaseType=Property&previousKeyVal=00IYEUTGLI000&activeTab=summary&previousCaseNumber=00IR4CTGBU000&keyVal=LQ2UBTQS04F00) and the other application made before has expired so if he builds on the site he would be breaking the law.

  5. Hello Everyone,

    I'm a member of the Board Of Trustees for Bedlington Community Centre and I would like to ask you for help with getting Bedlington Community Centre up and running, by asking you for ideas. Please find attached a leaflet with all the information about the ideas for the community centre so far and if you have any other ones tell us your ideas in this forum or fill in the tear off slip and hand it in at the address provided on the leaflet. (West Bedlington Town Council, Council Offices, Front Street West, Bedlington)

    Many Thanks,

    Adam Hogg.


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