A new federal kind of Europe - you have lowered the bar there, threegee, try NWO. No shi**y paranoia. It actually makes sense. One world , one government. It's which monopoly board piece can get the real estate first. And if they can do it using political means - ie the laws they have set themselves - european union , Maastricht, then all the more hunky dory. "Be prepared for bad news" Cameron says over the Mali/Algeria crises. When in doubt go to war - er Falklands anybody. Pawns on a chess board, geo-politics with no timescale except oportunitism. As Hemmingway said about life - "it's just a dirty trick." Voting is just a joke now. Democracy is akin to Utopia, Shangri La, Cloud Cuckoo Land. I'll shut up now before I step over the line.